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Any way to prevent master pages from changing element IDs?

I'm looking at adding master pages to an existing site but have found that once I do, the elements' IDs get prepended with a code (e.g. ctl00_MainPageContent_).

Unforunately, this breaks existing scripts on the page that use the original, unmodified element ID.

I realize that I can replace it with <%= Element.ClientID %> but it'd be awesome if I could disable this behavior altogether.

So, can I keep the original IDs?

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Michael Haren Avatar asked May 10 '09 02:05

Michael Haren

3 Answers

The question was already answered in the previous post: Remove MasterPage Generated ID

The solution overrides the Render Event with the following code:

Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
    Dim Html As New StringWriter()
    Dim Render As New HtmlTextWriter(Html)
    writer.Write(Html.ToString().Replace("name=""ctl00$ContentBody$", _ 
                  "name=""").Replace("id=""ctl00_ContentBody_", "id="""))
End Sub
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Jose Basilio Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11

Jose Basilio

You can override ClientID and UniqueID in the controls. This is from here, an article by Rick Strahl.

public override string UniqueID
        return this.ID;

public override string ClientID
        return this.ID;
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Phaedrus Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11


This question is old as dirt, but the new way to do it is ClientIDMode="Static".

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Barry Franklin Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11

Barry Franklin