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Any tips for compiling huge code generated source files?

I am trying to compile generate C code which comes from large eng. models. The code generated is unlike what one would write, there are many unrolled loops, extensive use of macros, huge arrays which are manually indexed and most importantly the source files are massive (>1e6 lines).

When compiling these source files with O2 or O3, my compile times become unmanageably high: 10-30 mins per file. This is with both Clang and GCC. I can't follow the generated assembly code very well, so I am unsure about the quality of the optimisation. Compile-time can be reduced by not generating debug info or by turning off warnings, but these are small as compared to turning off optimisations. In terms of runtime, there is a noticeable difference between O0 and O2, so I cannot justify doing this. When compiling with -ftime-trace, I can see that the Clang frontend is responsible for > 90% of the time. The process is not bottlenecked by memory, it seems to be entirely CPU bound, according to htop.

Is there some preprocessing which I can do to improve the compile times? Will breaking up the source file into smaller chunks improve performance, why? Are compilers design to work with these huge source files? Are there any other compile options I should be aware of?

Surprisingly, MSVC on Windows with /O2 takes a fraction of the time that Clang and GCC take.

Example of compiler arguments: clang -m64 -Wno-everything -c -D_GNU_SOURCE -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -ftime-report -DFMI2_FUNCTION_PREFIX=F2_Simulations_SteadyState_SteadyState2019MPU_ -DRT -I/opt/matlab/r2017b/extern/include -I/opt/matlab/r2017b/simulink/include -I/mnt/vagrant_shared/<path>/Source -I/mnt/vagrant_shared/<path>/export -fexceptions -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer -pthread -O0 -DNDEBUG -std=c99 /mnt/vagrant_shared/<path>/some_file.c -o /mnt/vagrant_shared/<path>/some_obj.obj

Platform: CentOS 7 running on a virtual box VM. Clang 7, GCC 4.8 (I am stuck on these older versions because of other requirements).

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Mansoor Avatar asked Nov 25 '19 22:11


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Only those changed files need to be recompiled. Header files are not compiled directly, Instead, header files are included into other source files via #include .

What can GCC compile?

GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collections which is used to compile mainly C and C++ language. It can also be used to compile Objective C and Objective C++.

Which files are generated by the compiler as a result of processing the source file?

Compilers generate object (executable) files from source code files. There are several utilities, libraries and objects used by compilers: Compiler languages: C/C++

1 Answers

Following a suggestion made by @AProgrammer, replacing -O2 with a subset of the included optimisations yields substantial compile-time improvements with negligable runtime differences.

Specifically, I excluded:

-fcode-hoisting -fdevirtualize-speculatively -fexpensive-optimizations -fipa-bit-cp -fipa-icf -fipa-ra -fipa-vrp -fisolate-erroneous-paths-dereference -flra-remat -freorder-blocks-algorithm=stc -fstore-merging -fipa-reference -fipa-reference-addressable -fshrink-wrap-separate -fssa-backprop -fssa-phiopt

Some of these were only applicable to C++ anyhow. The resulting compile is ~3x faster. There may be other options included in -O3 which could be included with little compile-time penalty.

Others have suggested that both GCC and Dymola recommend -O1 as a good trade off between compile-time and run-time performance. Using some extra -f options on top of -O1 would be a good way to future-proof this against changes in effects / benefits of different GCC options.

Also, total compilation time (compile and link) is made worse by breaking up the source file into smaller chunk, as expected.

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Mansoor Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
