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Any simpler way to get the last element of a Java array? [duplicate]



String sentence = "Any simpler way to get the last element of a Java array?";
String lastToken = sentence.split(" ")[sentence.split(" ").length-1];

I'd like to split the sentence and get the last token. I feel my way of doing it is a little too awkward. Basically, I want the second statement to be shorter. Is that possible?

Edit: What I'm looking for: 1) no need to declare the array separately 2) no need to split the sentence twice. It would be good if there's a method called last with array. I suspect this is impossible but want to make sure.

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Terry Li Avatar asked Mar 09 '13 23:03

Terry Li

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2 Answers

You only need to split it once, and take the last element.

String sentence = "Any simpler way to get the last element of a Java array?";
String[] tokens = sentence.split(" ");
String lastToken = tokens[tokens.length-1];

It's awkward, but there's really no other way to do it unless you have foreknowledge of the length of the string.

like image 145
Makoto Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 14:11


Another way to get the last token/word

String lastToken = sentance.replaceAll(".* ", "");
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Peter Lawrey Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 14:11

Peter Lawrey