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Any SaaS solution to host a private maven repository [closed]

Is there any SaaS solution to host a maven repository?

I know I can host it myself on Nexus or Archiva or Artifactory, just want to know if there are affordable providers that permit to host a few dependencies for a low cost without having to install the repository on your own.

I'm looking for a online maven repository host that can garantee a good availability and that keeps the artifacts private.

like image 657
Sebastien Lorber Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 23:10

Sebastien Lorber

People also ask

What is the difference between Nexus and Artifactory?

Artifactory has a slight lead in the number of supported repo types, but Nexus provides you with OSGi interfaces, enabling you to make custom repository types if needed.

What is Nexus repository in Maven?

In Configuring Maven to Use a Single Repository Group a single profile called nexus is defined. It configures a repository and a pluginRepository with the id central that overrides the same repositories in the Super POM. The Super POM is internal to every Apache Maven install and establishes default values.

1 Answers

I think CloudBees offers private Maven repositories. You should give it a try.

like image 74
chkal Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
