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any open-source/free .NET profanity filter for website?


Are you aware of any open-source/free .NET profanity filter (ASP.NET MVC to be precise)? I searched google but I couldn't come up with any. I would like to avoid implementing it entirely on my own, if possible. It is so easy to make mistake or overlook something.

like image 975
TPR Avatar asked Jul 22 '11 10:07


People also ask

Is there a profanity filter app?

Whether you choose to censor, substitute, or hide offensive words, APF is here to improve your browsing experience. Individuals around the world can now be protected from profanity in their homes, organizations, and schools. APF has a variety of options to meet your personal needs.

Does Amazon Prime have a profanity filter?

Is there a software that can filter out bad language from Amazon Prime "Original" and other streaming movies? Answer: Yes its called Vid Angel. Its an app for android devices and allows you to block nudity, gore, and any languge or scenes you dont want to see.

1 Answers

What a ******* good question.

(I would have added this as a comment, but I'm a ****)


Ok, here is something that might be a bit more useful:


The above describes a simple swear filter from a list of words using regular expressions.

You could download a list of swear words from here - http://www.noswearing.com/

like image 79
devdigital Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 06:10
