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Any java application for Shibboleth Authentication?

I want to use shibboleth authentication for my web application. Is there any sample java application which tell how to use shibboleth authentication step by step.

I have installed shibboleth but still didn't get idea how to use it.

like image 808
bawlo Avatar asked Oct 02 '22 04:10


1 Answers

I assume you have to use Service Provider

Use testshib to test your app in an easy way.

Follow the steps

  1. download and instal sp on your machine
  2. include shibboleth's configuration into your apache 2.1. into httpd.conf file add include "PATH/opt/path/etc/apache22"(if version is apache2.2, otherwise appropriate)
  3. in apache22.config file add the location you want to secure - it would be /secure bydefault
  4. in your shibboleth2.xml file (in etc folder) put your entity id(application defaults element), ex https://mywebsite.com/shibboleth - this can be anything, not neccessary a real path
  5. put entity id of your idp in sso element, in case of testshib it would be https://idp.testshib.org/idp/shibboleth
  6. in the metadata provider put idp's metadata uri to your idp's metadata urn, incase testshib it would be http://www.testshib.org/metadata/testshib-providers.xml
  7. Download your metadata from https://mywebsitehost.com/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata - here mywebsitehost would be a real host and rest path will be automatically configured by shibboleth - this path will download your sp's metadata file
  8. Upload your metadata file to testshib via register

You are ready to go. Go to https://mywebsitehost.com/secure and you should be redirected to idp to authenticate.

NOTE: Make sure you have a domain name configured with ssl(https)

like image 108
Akshay Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
