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Any idea with "OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument" in pickle.dump?

Below is my code: In this code I am trying to split and normalize a ".p" file into files with different norms. However, it seems that the split is working but I cannot save them into ".p" files using pickle.dump. Any suggestion for this error?

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle 
import gzip

# in this example tanh normalization is used
# fold 0 is used for testing and fold 1 for validation (hyperparamter    selection)
norm = 'tanh'
test_fold = 0
val_fold = 1

def normalize(X, means1=None, std1=None, means2=None, std2=None, feat_filt=None, norm='tanh_norm'):
if std1 is None:
    std1 = np.nanstd(X, axis=0)
if feat_filt is None:
    feat_filt = std1!=0
X = X[:,feat_filt]
X = np.ascontiguousarray(X)
if means1 is None:
    means1 = np.mean(X, axis=0)
X = (X-means1)/std1[feat_filt]
if norm == 'norm':
    return(X, means1, std1, feat_filt)
elif norm == 'tanh':
    return(np.tanh(X), means1, std1, feat_filt)
elif norm == 'tanh_norm':
    X = np.tanh(X)
    if means2 is None:
        means2 = np.mean(X, axis=0)
    if std2 is None:
        std2 = np.std(X, axis=0)
    X = (X-means2)/std2
    return(X, means1, std1, means2, std2, feat_filt)

#contains the data in both feature ordering ways (drug A - drug B - cell line     and drug B - drug A - cell line)
#in the first half of the data the features are ordered (drug A - drug B - cell line)
#in the second half of the data the features are ordered (drug B - drug A - cell line)
file = gzip.open('X.p.gz', 'rb')
X = pickle.load(file)

#contains synergy values and fold split (numbers 0-4)
labels = pd.read_csv('labels.csv', index_col=0) 
#labels are duplicated for the two different ways of ordering in the data
labels = pd.concat([labels, labels])

#indices of training data for hyperparameter selection: fold 2, 3, 4
idx_tr = np.where(np.logical_and(labels['fold']!=test_fold,            labels['fold']!=val_fold))
#indices of validation data for hyperparameter selection: fold 1
idx_val = np.where(labels['fold']==val_fold)

#indices of training data for model testing: fold 1, 2, 3, 4
idx_train = np.where(labels['fold']!=test_fold)
#indices of test data for model testing: fold 0
idx_test = np.where(labels['fold']==test_fold)

X_tr = X[idx_tr]
X_val = X[idx_val]
X_train = X[idx_train]
X_test = X[idx_test]

y_tr = labels.iloc[idx_tr]['synergy'].values
y_val = labels.iloc[idx_val]['synergy'].values
y_train = labels.iloc[idx_train]['synergy'].values
y_test = labels.iloc[idx_test]['synergy'].values

if norm == "tanh_norm":
    X_tr, mean, std, mean2, std2, feat_filt = normalize(X_tr, norm=norm)
    X_val, mean, std, mean2, std2, feat_filt = normalize(X_val, mean, std, mean2, std2, 
                                                      feat_filt=feat_filt, norm=norm)
X_tr, mean, std, feat_filt = normalize(X_tr, norm=norm)
X_val, mean, std, feat_filt = normalize(X_val, mean, std, feat_filt=feat_filt, norm=norm)

if norm == "tanh_norm":
X_train, mean, std, mean2, std2, feat_filt = normalize(X_train, norm=norm)
X_test, mean, std, mean2, std2, feat_filt = normalize(X_test, mean, std, mean2, std2, 
                                                      feat_filt=feat_filt, norm=norm)
X_train, mean, std, feat_filt = normalize(X_train, norm=norm)
X_test, mean, std, feat_filt = normalize(X_test, mean, std, feat_filt=feat_filt, norm=norm)

pickle.dump((X_tr, X_val, X_train, X_test, y_tr, y_val, y_train, y_test),    open('data_test_fold%d_%s.p'%(test_fold, norm), 'wb'))

I think the last two lines are most problematic but it could also be the error somewhere else triggered this problem.

like image 579
Jianpeng Yu Avatar asked Jan 16 '18 19:01

Jianpeng Yu

1 Answers

Most likely it is caused by a bug in the Pickle implementation that doesn't allow files larger then 4GB to be produced.

Python 3 - Can pickle handle byte objects larger than 4GB?

like image 162
Tiago Zortea Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 22:11

Tiago Zortea