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Any experiences with Intel's Threading Building Blocks? [closed]


Intel's Threading Building Blocks (TBB) open source library looks really interesting. Even though there's even an O'Reilly Book about the subject I don't hear about a lot of people using it. I'm interested in using it for some multi-level parallel applications (MPI + threads) in Unix (Mac, Linux, etc.) environments. For what it's worth, I'm interested in high performance computing / numerical methods kinds of applications.

Does anyone have experiences with TBB? Does it work well? Is it fairly portable (including GCC and other compilers)? Does the paradigm work well for programs you've written? Are there other libraries I should look into?

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Pat Notz Avatar asked Sep 20 '08 02:09

Pat Notz

2 Answers

I've introduced it into our code base because we needed a bettor malloc to use when we moved to a 16 core machine. With 8 and under it wasn't a significant issue. It has worked well for us. We plan on using the fine grained concurrent containers next. Ideally we can make use of the real meat of the product, but that requires rethinking how we build our code. I really like the ideas in TBB, but it's not easy to retrofit onto a code base.

You can't think of TBB as another threading library. They have a whole new model that really sits on top of threads and abstracts the threads away. You learn to think in task, parallel_for type operations and pipelines. If I were to build a new project I would probably try to model it in this fashion.

We work in Visual Studio and it works just fine. It was originally written for linux/pthreads so it runs just fine over there also.

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Matt Price Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Matt Price

I'm not doing numerical computing but I work with data mining (think clustering and classification), and our workloads are probably similar: all the data is static and you have it at the beginning of the program. I have briefly investigated Intel's TBB and found them overkill for my needs. After starting with raw pthread-based code, I switched to OPENMP and got the right mix between readability and performance.

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florin Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10
