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Any BDD success stories out there?






Having written a small article on BDD, I got questions from people asking whether there are any cases of large-scale use of BDD (and specifically NBehave).

So my question goes to the community: do you have a project that used BDD successfully? If so, what benefits did you get, and what could have been better? Would you do BDD again? Would you recommend it to other people?

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Dmitri Nesteruk Avatar asked Jan 16 '09 09:01

Dmitri Nesteruk

People also ask

Can you fully recover from body dysmorphia?

Without treatment, BDD can lead to a great deal of pain and misery, but the disruptive thought patterns that come with this disorder don't have to persist. With therapy, people can learn to look past a perceived flaw, and they can start to focus on the beauty that's within them and around them.

How long does it take to cure BDD?

There are a number of different SSRIs, but fluoxetine is most commonly used to treat BDD. It may take up to 12 weeks for SSRIs to have an effect on your BDD symptoms. If they work for you, you'll probably be asked to keep taking them for several months to improve your symptoms further and stop them coming back.

How many people live with BDD?

Multiple studies indicate that body dysmorphic disorder impacts between 7% and 2.3% of the general population. Among individuals who are being treated in inpatient psychiatric hospitals, the rate of body dysmorphic disorder is estimated to be between 13% and 16%.

Does BDD get better with age?

BDD tends to get worse with age. Plastic surgery to correct a body flaw rarely helps. If you have a child or teenager who seems overly worried about his or her appearance and needs constant reassurance, talk with your healthcare provider.

1 Answers

We've used somewhat of BDD at the code level in different scenarios (open source and ND projects).

  1. Telling the view in MVC scenario, what kind of input to accept from user (DDD and Rule driven UI Validation in .NET)

    result = view.GetData(
      CustomerIs.From(AddressIs.Valid, AddressIs.In(Country.Russia)));
  2. Telling the service layer, about the exception handling behavior (ActionPolicy is injected into the decorators):

    var policy = ActionPolicy

Using these approaches has immensely reduced code duplication, made the codebase more stable and flexible. Additionally, it made everything more simple, due to the logical encapsulation of complex details.

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Rinat Abdullin Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Rinat Abdullin