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Any alternatives for code analysis in .net apart from FxCop?

I was wondering if there are any alternatives for code analysis. I suppose one can create a code analyser from scratch though this is a tedious work and I am not sure it worths it after all. Is there other, non .net specific, analysers?

Thanks, Sun

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Sunscreen Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 07:08


2 Answers

NDepend is a commercial tool (with a Open Source / Academic Edition edition) that can do all sorts of analysis for you. Although it overlapps with FxCop for some rules, at has many more features.

I suppose one can create a code analyser from scratch

Everything is possible, but writing any validation tool that has any meaning costs large amounts of time. If your boss pays you for developing software, you will be burning his money. Writing your own analyzer is a good exercise, but will further be a complete waste of time.

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Steven Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10


http://www.mono-project.com/Gendarme open source and free.

https://github.com/unintelligible/GendarmeMsBuild is a nice add-on for it.

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Lex Li Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

Lex Li