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Any advantage to objects.GetObject(i) over objects[i]?

I'm refactoring a little bit of C# data access code from a previous developer and am curious about a pattern he used.

The code initially exposed collections (arrays) of a variety of ActiveRecord-style business objects - essentially objects wrapping database fields. I'm changing the arrays to generic lists, but the aspect of the code I'm curious about is that the previous developer had Get methods for each type of object he was wrapping, thusly:

public Thing GetThing(int i) {
    return things[i];

There are several of these methods, and I cannot for the life of me think of any possible advantage of using that mechanism over simply referring to things[i] directly. Let's assume, for argument's sake, that things is a public property, not a public field (in this case it's actually an auto-implemented property, so that assumption is actually true).

Am I missing something obvious? Or even something esoteric?

UPDATE I should probably clarify that these collections are currently accessed from within for loops:

for (int i = 0; i < thingsCount; i== ) {
    dosomthing( GetThing(i) );
    dosomethingelse( GetThing(i) );

which I am refactoring to:

for (int i = 0; i < thingsCount; i== ) {
    Thing thing = things[i];
    dosomthing( thing );
    dosomethingelse( thing );

and perhaps even to use things.foreach().

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cori Avatar asked Jul 01 '10 15:07


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4 Answers

I don't know if it's obvious, but I do think you're missing something.

Let's say things is an IList<Thing>. Then exposing it directly (as Things) would allow calling code to call Add, Insert, RemoveAt, etc. Maybe the previous developer didn't want to allow this (and I'm sure there are plenty of good reasons for that).

Even supposing it's a Thing[] (so Add, etc. wouldn't be available), exposing it as such would still allow calling code to do something like obj.Things[0] = new Thing(); which may be an operation that should not be allowed depending on the class's implementation.

You could expose Things as a ReadOnlyCollection<Thing> which would take care of most of these problems. But what it comes down to is this: if the developer only wants to allow calling code to access items by index -- nothing more -- then providing a single GetThing method as the means to do so, honestly, makes by far the most sense.

Now, granted, there's also this option: implementing a this[int] property with only a get accessor. But that only makes sense if the class in question is essentially a collection of Thing objects exclusively (i.e., there isn't also a collection of some other type of object you want to provide access to within the class).

All told, I think the GetThing approach is pretty sound.

That said, from the way you've worded your question, it does sound like the previous developer made some other pretty poor decisions:

  1. If he/she also exposed the things collection directly as a public property, well, then... that defeats the whole purpose of the GetThing method, doesn't it? The result is simply a bloated interface (I generally think it's not a great sign when you've got multiple methods to accomplish exactly the same thing, unless they're clearly documented as aliases for some justifiable reason). [Update: It appears the previous developer did not do this. Good.]
  2. It looks like the previous developer was also internally accessing items from things using the GetThing method, which is just silly (in my opinion). Why introduce the pointless overhead of extra method calls using a class's public interface from within the class itself? If you're in the class, you're already inside the implementation and can access private/protected data all you want -- no need to pretend otherwise.
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Dan Tao Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10

Dan Tao

You probably want to expose the object as an IList<Thing>. This will give you the indexing capabilities you're looking for, but you also get to use the range of LINQ functions as well, such as creating a new list of items based on conditions. Plus IList<T> implements IEnumerable<T> so you're going to be able to use foreach to loop through the objects.

e.g. in your class:

public IList<Thing> Things { get; private set; }

e.g. usage:

Thing x = business.Things[3];


var x = business.Things.Where(t => t.Name == "cori");
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Warren Rumak Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 03:10

Warren Rumak

There are two things to note here. First is that you want to keep object variables private and use getters and setters to access them. This prevents the user from accidentally changing or modifying object variables.

Secondly, it is considered a good naming convention where the terms get/set must be used where an attribute is accessed directly. This helps improve readability.

Although it is a public property in this case, the use of getters and setters improve readability and help prevents unexpected behavior. It doesn't matter if you are accessing the object variables within a loop, you should continue to use the GetThing convention.

Finally if you are accessing the variables from within the object, you don't need to use the getter or setter.

NOTE: Its generally considered good style to keep object variables private and use getters/setters for all languages

C++ style guidelines

C# style guidelines

You may also be interested in the question "getter and setter for class in class c#"

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Elpezmuerto Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10


If I had to guess, I'd say that this developer was used to some other language like Java, and wasn't fully aware of standard practice in C#. The "get[Property]" nomenclature is very heavily used in Java, javascript, etc. C# replaces this with properties and indexers. Properties are every bit as powerful as getters and setters, but are easier to write and use. The only time you typically see "Get[something]" in C# is if:

  • The operation is likely to be expensive enough that you really want to drive home the fact that this is no simple member access (e.g. GetPrimeNumbers()), or
  • Your collection actually includes multiple indexed collections. (e.g. GetRow(int i) and GetColumn(int i)). Even in this case, it's more common to simply expose each of these indexed collections as a property unto itself, which is of an indexed type ("table.Rows[2]").

If you are only accessing these values in for loops, the collection should implement IEnumerable<Thing>, which would give you access to LINQ methods and the foreach construct. If you still need to have indexed-based getters, you should consider using your own interface which extends IEnumerable<T>, but additionally provides:

T this[int i] { get; }

This way, you don't give consumers the impression that they can Add and Remove objects in this collection.


I know this is mostly a matter of style, which is subject to debate, but I really think the GetThings solution is not the correct way to do things. The following strategy, while it takes a little more work, is far more in keeping with the way that the standard .NET classes and frameworks are designed:

public class ThingHolderDataAccess
    public ThingHolder GetThingHolderForSomeArgs(int arg1, int arg2)
        var oneThings = GetOneThings(arg1);
        var otherThings = GetOtherThings(arg2);
        return new ThingHolder(oneThings, otherThings);
    private IEnumerable<OneThing> GetOneThings(int arg)
        return new List<OneThing>();
    private IEnumerable<AnotherThing> GetOtherThings(int arg2)
        return new List<AnotherThing>();

public class ThingHolder
    public IIndexedReadonlyCollection<OneThing> OneThings
        private set;

    public IIndexedReadonlyCollection<AnotherThing> OtherThings
        private set;

    public ThingHolder(IEnumerable<OneThing> oneThings,
                       IEnumerable<AnotherThing> otherThings)
        OneThings = oneThings.ToIndexedReadOnlyCollection();
        OtherThings = otherThings.ToIndexedReadOnlyCollection();

#region These classes can be written once, and used everywhere
public class IndexedCollection<T> 
    : List<T>, IIndexedReadonlyCollection<T>
    public IndexedCollection(IEnumerable<T> items)
        : base(items)

public static class EnumerableExtensions
    public static IIndexedReadonlyCollection<T> ToIndexedReadOnlyCollection<T>(
        this IEnumerable<T> items)
        return new IndexedCollection<T>(items);

public interface IIndexedReadonlyCollection<out T> : IEnumerable<T>
    T this[int i] { get; }

Using the code above might look something like this:

var things = _thingHolderDataAccess.GetThingHolderForSomeArgs(a, b);
foreach (var oneThing in things.OneThings)
    // do something
foreach (var anotherThing in things.OtherThings)
    // do something else

var specialThing = things.OneThings[c];
// do something to special thing
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StriplingWarrior Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 04:10
