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Antd UI library. Overriding <Table /> behavior on empty data




I want to render some other content if <Table /> receives empty data Array.
Currently its just showing 'No data', but I want to put some custom component there.

Current default behavior on empty data property

How this may be done?

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Федор Усаков Avatar asked Feb 12 '17 10:02

Федор Усаков

4 Answers

There is another way to do this, without touching the locale property:

Wrap the <Table /> with a <ConfigProvider /> and set the renderEmpty property:

<ConfigProvider renderEmpty={() => <Empty description="Custom message"/>}>
  <Table />

The renderEmpty function can return any component you want.

More details here: https://ant.design/components/config-provider/#API Example from docs: https://ant.design/components/empty/#components-empty-demo-config-provider

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Alex Ruzzarin Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 04:11

Alex Ruzzarin

You can use locale props of antd table which is Object. Instead of just passing string to emptyText you can pass HTML tag.

let locale = {
  emptyText: (
        <Icon type="like" />
        Custom Message
      <Button>Custom Button</Button>

<Table locale={locale}  dataSource={dataSource} columns={columns} />
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Nikhil Mahirrao Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11

Nikhil Mahirrao

There is a property of table, locale. This is an object, used to define following things:

filterConfirm, filterReset, emptyText.

Use emptyText to specify the text that you want to show if data is empty. Like this:

let locale = {
  emptyText: 'Abc',

<Table locale={locale}  dataSource={dataSource} columns={columns} />

Check the Doc: https://ant.design/components/table/

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Mayank Shukla Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 04:11

Mayank Shukla

Locale can be used. Empty text can be given directly.

   locale={{emptyText:"No data"} 
   columns={columns} />
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Gucal Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 04:11
