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Ant if else condition?



Is there an if/else condition that I can use for an Ant task?

This is what i have written so far:

<target name="prepare-copy" description="copy file based on condition">         <echo>Get file based on condition</echo>     <copy file="${some.dir}/true" todir="."  if="true"/> </target> 

The script above will copy the file if a condition is true. What if the condition is false and I wish to copy another file? Is that possible in Ant?

I could pass a param to the above task and make sure the param that's passed is

like image 562
Jonathan Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 11:01


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How to use if condition in Ant script?

So, you could use if="${copy-condition}" instead of if="copy-condition" . In ANT 1.7. 1 and earlier, you specify the name of the property. If the property is defined and has any value (even an empty string), then it will evaluate to true.

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The Ant-Contrib project is a collection of user supplied task (like an <if> task) and a development playground for experimental tasks like a C/C++ compilation task for different compilers. Compatibility: 1.4.1 and above. URL: http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/

1 Answers

The if attribute does not exist for <copy>. It should be applied to the <target>.

Below is an example of how you can use the depends attribute of a target and the if and unless attributes to control execution of dependent targets. Only one of the two should execute.

<target name="prepare-copy" description="copy file based on condition"     depends="prepare-copy-true, prepare-copy-false"> </target>  <target name="prepare-copy-true" description="copy file based on condition"     if="copy-condition">     <echo>Get file based on condition being true</echo>     <copy file="${some.dir}/true" todir="." /> </target>  <target name="prepare-copy-false" description="copy file based on false condition"      unless="copy-condition">     <echo>Get file based on condition being false</echo>     <copy file="${some.dir}/false" todir="." /> </target> 

If you are using ANT 1.8+, then you can use property expansion and it will evaluate the value of the property to determine the boolean value. So, you could use if="${copy-condition}" instead of if="copy-condition".

In ANT 1.7.1 and earlier, you specify the name of the property. If the property is defined and has any value (even an empty string), then it will evaluate to true.

like image 167
Mads Hansen Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09

Mads Hansen