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Ansible - read inventory hosts and variables to group_vars/all file

I have a dummy doubt that keeps me stuck for a long time. I have a very banal inventory file with hosts and variables:

[lb]  [tomcat]  [jboss5]  ...  [tests:children] lb tomcat jboss5  [default:children] tests  [tests:vars] data_base_user=NETWIN-4.3 data_base_password=NETWIN data_base_encrypted_password= data_base_host= data_base_port=1521 data_base_service=ssdenwdb data_base_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ 

The problem is that I need to access all these hosts and variables, in the inventory file, from the group_vars/all file.

I've tried the following manners to access the host IP:

{{ lb }} "{{ hostvars[lb] }}" "{{ hostvars['lb'] }}" {{ hostvars[lb] }} 

To access a host variable I tried:

"{{ hostvars[tests].['data_base_host'] }}" 

All of them are wrong!!! Can anyone help me find out the best practice to access hosts and variables, not from a playbook but from a variables file?


Ok. Let's clarify.

Problem: Use a host declared in the inventory file in a variable file, let's say: group_vars/all.

Example: I have a DB host with IP:

Inventory file:


In the group:vars/all file I want to use that IP to build a variable.

group_vars/all file:

data_base_url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@{{ db }}:1521/ssdenwdb 

In a template I use the variable built in the group_vars/all file.

Template file:

oracle_url = {{ data_base_url }} 

The problem is that the {{ db }} variable in the group_vars/all file is not replaced by the DB host IP. The user can only edit the inventory file.

like image 387
Tiago Sousa Avatar asked Feb 20 '14 12:02

Tiago Sousa

People also ask

How does Ansible use Group_vars?

Ansible uses a combination of a hosts file and a group_vars directory to pull variables per host group and run Ansible plays/tasks against hosts. group_vars/all is used to set variables that will be used for every host that Ansible is ran against.

How can I get a list of hosts from an Ansible inventory file?

You can use the option --list-hosts. It will show all the host IPs from your inventory file.

How do I use multiple inventory files in Ansible?

TL;DR: Inventory can be a folder. Create a folder, add as many inventory files inside this folder and instruct Ansible to use this folder as the inventory (with -i folder_name or in your ansible. cfg file). All inventory files inside the folder will be merged into one (including scripts like ec2.py).

1 Answers

- name: host    debug: msg="{{ item }}"     with_items:     - "{{ groups['tests'] }}" 

This piece of code will give the message:

'' '' 

as groups['tests'] basically return a list of unique ip addresses ['',''] whereas groups['tomcat'][0] returns

like image 50
eldos Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09
