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Ansible: How to delete files and folders inside a directory?

- name: Delete content & directory
    state: absent
    path: /home/mydata/web/

Note: this will delete the directory too.

Using shell module (idempotent too):

- shell: /bin/rm -rf /home/mydata/web/*

If there are dot/hidden files:

- shell: /bin/rm -rf /home/mydata/web/* /home/mydata/web/.*

Cleanest solution if you don't care about creation date and owner/permissions:

- file: path=/home/mydata/web state=absent
- file: path=/home/mydata/web state=directory

Remove the directory (basically a copy of https://stackoverflow.com/a/38201611/1695680), Ansible does this operation with rmtree under the hood.

- name: remove files and directories
    state: "{{ item }}"
    path: "/srv/deleteme/"
    owner: 1000  # set your owner, group, and mode accordingly
    group: 1000
    mode: '0777'
    - absent
    - directory

If you don't have the luxury of removing the whole directory and recreating it, you can scan it for files, (and directories), and delete them one by one. Which will take a while. You probably want to make sure you have [ssh_connection]\npipelining = True in your ansible.cfg on.

- block:
  - name: 'collect files'
      paths: "/srv/deleteme/"
      hidden: True
      recurse: True
      # file_type: any  # Added in ansible 2.3
    register: collected_files

  - name: 'collect directories'
      paths: "/srv/deleteme/"
      hidden: True
      recurse: True
      file_type: directory
    register: collected_directories

  - name: remove collected files and directories
      path: "{{ item.path }}"
      state: absent
    with_items: >
        + collected_directories.files

I really didn't like the rm solution, also ansible gives you warnings about using rm. So here is how to do it without the need of rm and without ansible warnings.

- hosts: all
  - name: Ansible delete file glob
      paths: /etc/Ansible
      patterns: "*.txt"
    register: files_to_delete

  - name: Ansible remove file glob
      path: "{{ item.path }}"
      state: absent
    with_items: "{{ files_to_delete.files }}"

source: http://www.mydailytutorials.com/ansible-delete-multiple-files-directories-ansible/

try the below command, it should work

- shell: ls -1 /some/dir
  register: contents

- file: path=/some/dir/{{ item }} state=absent
  with_items: {{ contents.stdout_lines }}

That's what I come up with:

- name: Get directory listing
    path: "{{ directory }}" 
    file_type: any
    hidden: yes
  register: directory_content_result

- name: Remove directory content
    path: "{{ item.path }}" 
    state: absent
  with_items: "{{ directory_content_result.files }}" 
    label: "{{ item.path }}" 

First, we're getting directory listing with find, setting

  • file_type to any, so we wouldn't miss nested directories and links
  • hidden to yes, so we don't skip hidden files
  • also, do not set recurse to yes, since it is not only unnecessary, but may increase execution time.

Then, we go through that list with file module. It's output is a bit verbose, so loop_control.label will help us with limiting output (found this advice here).

But I found previous solution to be somewhat slow, since it iterates through the content, so I went with:

- name: Get directory stats
    path: "{{ directory }}"
  register: directory_stat

- name: Delete directory
    path: "{{ directory }}"
    state: absent

- name: Create directory
    path: "{{ directory }}"
    state: directory
    owner: "{{ directory_stat.stat.pw_name }}"
    group: "{{ directory_stat.stat.gr_name }}"
    mode: "{{ directory_stat.stat.mode }}"
  • get directory properties with the stat
  • delete directory
  • recreate directory with the same properties.

That was enough for me, but you can add attributes as well, if you want.

Created an overall rehauled and fail-safe implementation from all comments and suggestions:

# collect stats about the dir
- name: check directory exists
    path: '{{ directory_path }}'
  register: dir_to_delete

# delete directory if condition is true
- name: purge {{directory_path}}
    state: absent
    path: '{{ directory_path  }}'
  when: dir_to_delete.stat.exists and dir_to_delete.stat.isdir

# create directory if deleted (or if it didn't exist at all)
- name: create directory again
    state: directory
    path: '{{ directory_path }}'
  when: dir_to_delete is defined or dir_to_delete.stat.exist == False