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Ansible: how to construct a variable from another variable and then fetch it's value



Here is my problem I need to use one variable 'target_host' and then append '_host' to it's value to get another variable name whose value I need. If you look at my playbook. Task nbr 1,2,3 fetch the value of variable however nbr 4 is not able to do what I expect. Is there any other way to achieve the same in ansible?

   ---     - name: "Play to for dynamic groups"       hosts: local        vars:         - target_host: smtp         - smtp_host: smtp.max.com       tasks:         - name: testing           debug: msg={{ target_host }}         - name: testing           debug: msg={{ smtp_host }}         - name: testing           debug: msg={{ target_host }}_host         - name: testing           debug: msg={{ {{ target_host }}_host }}   Output:  TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************  ok: [] => {     "msg": "smtp" }  TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************  ok: [] => {     "msg": "smtp.max.com" }  TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************  ok: [] => {     "msg": "smtp_host" }  TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************  ok: [] => {     "msg": "{{{{target_host}}_host}}" } 
like image 467
Max Avatar asked Mar 26 '15 10:03


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1 Answers

If you have a variable like

vars: myvar: xxx xxx_var: anothervalue

the working Ansible syntax:

- debug: msg={{ vars[myvar + '_var'] }}

will give you the analogue of:

- debug: msg={{ xxx_var }}

like image 139
Nikita Kazantsev Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Nikita Kazantsev