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Annotations "not applicable to type"



I am quite new to IntelliJ being a Eclipse user for many years, so I really find this error where all annotations expect for the @Override are showing error "not applicable to type"

E.g the @PostConstruct annotation from JBoss Errai is showing this errors all around, where the import is there with no error at all.

How do I fix this?



@PostConstruct // When hovered with the mouse pointer '@PostContruct' is not applicable to method
public void init() {

Screenshot: http://snag.gy/q5cW5.jpg

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quarks Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 12:08


1 Answers

Looking at the definition, one sees @Target mentioning method. So you might have imported a totally different PostConstruct annotation. Inspect the imports / go to the definition in IntelliJ.

package javax.annotation;

public @interface PostConstruct
like image 66
Joop Eggen Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09

Joop Eggen