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Annotation @OrderBy

I'm trying to automatically order the results of a report by the ManyToMany annotation @OrderBy:

 * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Artist", inversedBy="soundtrack", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
 * @ORM\JoinTable(name="soundtrack_artist")
 * @OrderBy({"name" = "ASC", "surname" = "ASC"})
private $artists;

but it gives me this error:

[Semantical Error] The annotation "@OrderBy" in property
Acme\UserBundle\Entity\Soundtrack::$artists was never imported.
Did you maybe forget to add a "use" statement for this annotation?

I tried to add also:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OrderBy;

But the error remains! I'm doing something wrong?

like image 598
Lughino Avatar asked Aug 12 '13 14:08


3 Answers

Not sure if you found the answer, but this worked for me:


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Prasad Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10


If you include this namespace:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

This annotation will work:

@ORM\OrderBy({"date" = "ASC"})

the first key should be a mapped attribute of your class. The order should be ASC or DESC.

Please refer to Doctrine official documentation: http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/annotations-reference.html#annref-orderby

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Benjamin Ellis Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10

Benjamin Ellis

@ORM\OrderBy resolve all problem, in symfony annotation its important inserting the scope of a method.

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Scuottolinx Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10
