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Animating layouts using the "animateLayoutChanges" attribute in XML

I have a LinearLayout, for which I apply android:animateLayoutChanges="true" in the parent LinearLayout. When the user clicks a toggle button, the LinearLayout "collapses" (I set the view's visibility as LinearLayout.GONE programmatically, and when they click it again, it expands by programmatically setting the visibility back to LinearLayout.VISIBLE.

The animation of it collapsing and expanding works correctly.

However, any items below the collapsable/expandable LinearLayout snap back to the top before the animation of the collapse is complete. The items that are snapping back are NOT inside the parent which has animateLayoutChanges set to true, and I don't think there is any way I can put them inside it.

Here is my layout hierarchy (I didn't mention the attributes to keep it short):

<!-- Top most LinearLayout-->

    <!-- LinearLayout containing android:animateLayoutChanges="true"-->

        <!-- RelativeLayout containing button to toggle LinearLayout visibility below-->

        <!-- LinearLayout that has its visibility toggled -->



This entire layout is inserted programmatically into another LinearLayout (see below):

    android:orientation="vertical" >

    <!-- This is where the previous XML layout containing the toggle-able LinearLayout
         is inserted programmatically. -->

    <!-- This button snaps back up to the top before the animation is complete. -->
    <Button />


I realize the problem would be solved if I added the Button that snaps up to the LinearLayout that has animateLayoutChanges as true. However, this isn't an options for a few reasons.

So is there any other work around?

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u3l Avatar asked Jul 04 '14 04:07


People also ask

How do I animate the layout changes in Android?

All you need to do is set an attribute in the layout to tell the Android system to animate these layout changes, and system-default animations are carried out for you. Tip: If you want to supply custom layout animations, create a LayoutTransition object and supply it to the layout with the setLayoutTransition () method.

What is Android’s new animatelayoutchanges attribute?

Recently, I have discovered a new one regarding android:animateLayoutChanges. For those unfamiliar with this XML attribute, it’s a “ automagical ” way to animate changes in your ViewGroups. This has been around since API 11 aka Honeycomb.

How do I supply custom layout animations?

Tip: If you want to supply custom layout animations, create a LayoutTransition object and supply it to the layout with the setLayoutTransition () method. If you want to jump ahead and see a full working example, download and run the sample app and select the Crossfade example. See the following files for the code implementation:

How do I enable animations in an Android activity?

In your activity's layout XML file, set the android:animateLayoutChanges attribute to true for the layout that you want to enable animations for. For instance:

1 Answers

Instead of using animateLayoutChanges try adding TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(transitionsContainer); in your onClick method where transitionsContainer is parent of views that should be animated.

For example your parent layout is is

<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/transitions_container">

    <!--add your widgets here-->


And in code

final ViewGroup transitionsContainer = (ViewGroup) view.findViewById(R.id.transitions_container);

button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        // do your staff with changing children of transitionsContainer           

Check https://medium.com/@andkulikov/animate-all-the-things-transitions-in-android-914af5477d50 for details.

like image 97
Olga Sokol Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10

Olga Sokol