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AngularJS with ServiceStack/WebApi/MVC Actions

I am new to AngularJS and want to use it for our new project based on ASPNET MVC. I want AngularJS to manage the views ( it will be hybrid SPA, some pages normal MVC generated views). But I am in fix to decide what should I choose at the server end. i.e. ServiceStack/WebApi/MVC Actions ? There are examples in the web for WebAPI and regular ASPNET MVC, but couldn't find any SS+Angular examples. Could you give me an example project with SS+Angular( how to manage routing, prevent the views( html files) from opening directly by the user etc).

like image 582
jeff Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 19:09


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2 Answers

A few months back I put together a Demo project (https://github.com/paaschpa/ordersDemo) for Chicago Code Camp 2013. The sample site on AppHarbor seems to be down (I got the AppHarbor site working but all my 'production configs' are in the GitHub repo. I can never get the config/settings right between GitHub and them) but I think the code resembles what you're asking for. It uses AngularJS (probably not the best example of it), .NET MVC w/ServiceStack hosted at /api. It also uses Twitter BootStrap, Redis Pub/Sub and SignalR...probably smashed too much stuff into this project/example. If you can get Redis installed (https://github.com/dmajkic/redis/downloads) and you change the redisUrl to localhost:6379 in the web.config file you should be able to get it running locally.

like image 163
paaschpa Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10


I use ServiceStack + ASP.NET MVC + Angular in my project.

Once ServiceStack installed (pretty easy with nugget package), call ServiceStack Rest WS is very simple with angular in a service:

GetById: function (movieId) {
    var url = root + 'api/movie/' + movieId;
    var promise = $http({ method: 'GET', url: url }).then(function (response) {
        return response.data;

    return promise;
}, ...

In ServiceStack I Use DTO and ViewModel like this :

#region MovieDTO
[Api("GET Movie by Id")]
public class MovieDTORequest
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class MovieDTOResponse
    public MovieViewModel Movie{ get; set; }


And to finish my service :

private MovieBusiness _movieBusiness= (MovieBusiness )UnityHelper.BusinessResolve<Movie>();
public object Get(MovieDTORequest request)
    Movie movie = _movieBusiness.GetById(request.Id);
    MovieViewModel movieViewModel = MovieAdapter.ToViewModel(movie);

    return new MovieDTOResponse { Movie = movieViewModel };

Concerning routing, in my cas I use ASP.NET MVC route because I am more comfortable with it. So I have created a BaseController sending ServiceStack User to each View:

public class BaseController : ServiceStackController<CustomUserSession>
    /// <summary>
    /// Surcharge de l'action pour charger la notification dans le ViewBag s'il y en a une et l'a marquer comme delivrée
    /// </summary>
    protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        int Id = 0;
        UserViewModel user= new UserViewModel ();

        if (int.TryParse(base.UserSession.UserAuthId, out Id))
            user= new UserViewModel ()
                id = Convert.ToInt32(base.UserSession.UserAuthId),
                nom = base.UserSession.DisplayName,
                roles = base.UserSession.Roles != null ? string.Join(",", base.UserSession.Roles.ToArray()) : string.Empty
        ViewBag.User= user;

Next if you need to pass a ViewModel direcly to a angular Controller you can do this :

@model AddictLive.Core.ViewModel.Mobile.ViewModels.MovieViewModel
@using Newtonsoft.Json

<div ng-controller="MovieController" ng-init="init(@Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model)))">

Sample of init() method in the angular controller :

$scope.init = function (movieViewModel) {
    $scope.property1= movieViewModel.property1;
    $scope.property2= movieViewModel.property2;

I simplified all my examples to make it easy to understand but if you need more explanation let me know

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toregua Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10
