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AngularJS - Using local variables inside directive

I'm having trouble understanding how directives js scope works. I mean it looks like local variables declared in the main directive function are shared among all instances of the directive. Eg.

    <li my-dir="1"></li>
    <li my-dir="2"></li>
    <li my-dir="3"></li>

.directive('myDir', function($timeout) {
    var data, _el;
    function init(){
    function link(scope, el, attrs) {
        _el = el;
        data = attrs.myDir;
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: link

In the above example I'll get only the last element populated with the last value because _el will each time be assigned a new element. Here you have a plnkr of the above: http://plnkr.co/edit/NXV6w4MZbROhnZ524wvx?p=preview

What should I do instead?

like image 302
mettjus Avatar asked Jul 15 '14 09:07


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1 Answers

The init and local variables need to be declared within the link function, not in the directive declaration, which will be shared with all instances.

app.directive('myDir', function($timeout) {

    function link(scope, el, attrs) {
        var data, _el;

        function init(){

        _el = el;
        data = attrs.myDir;
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: link

See http://jsbin.com/kosiw/1/edit

like image 160
rchawdry Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
