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AngularJs - Use custom filter inside directive controller

I have an array of users containing information about them, I do an ng-repeat combined with a custom directive that generates an HTML user card, keeping the scope of each card relative to the individual user, inside the user model there is a value that I need to filter with a custom filter before the template gets compiled, because if I do it inside the template the time it takes to be filtered makes the tooltip not to show until the value is ready and that looks as if something is not working.

My code so far

// userCard directive
angular.module('userCard', []).directive('UserCard', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'EA',
    templateUrl: 'userCard.tpl.html',
    scope: {
        user: '='
    controller: ['$scope', 'fromNowFilter', function($scope, fromNowFilter) {

        angular.forEach($scope.user.reminders, function(reminder) {
            reminder.last_sent = reminder.last_sent === null ? 'No reminder has been sent!' : fromNowFilter(reminder.last_sent);
    link: function(scope, element) {
        // Add the base class to the user card element

// fromNow custom filter
angular.module('userCard').filter('fromNow', function() {
  return function(date) {
    return moment(date).fromNow();

// The error I keep getting
Unknown provider: fromNowFilterProvider <- fromNowFilter
like image 269
CupOfJoe Avatar asked Aug 29 '14 01:08


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Filters can be added to expressions by using the pipe character | , followed by a filter.

1 Answers

Try inject filterprovider and run your filter.

controller: ['$scope', '$filter', function($scope, $filter) {
       var fromNowFilter = $filter('fromNow');
        angular.forEach($scope.user.reminders, function(reminder) {
            reminder.last_sent = reminder.last_sent === null ? 'No reminder has been sent!' : fromNowFilter(reminder.last_sent);
like image 93
PSL Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09