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AngularJS: Set the model to be = {} again doesn't clear out input type='url'

I have a fiddler setup, when i click a reset button it should clear out the input controls, this seems to work but not when the input type='url'

Here is the fiddler

Is there an issue or something that I am not understanding.

When I set

$scope.myform = {};

This seems to clear out the other input type but the input type='url' isn't being cleared.

Anyone know why?

like image 412
Martin Avatar asked Sep 18 '13 13:09


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1 Answers

The issue you see happens when you don't have a valid value inside the input[type="url"]. An invalid value just stays in the view (the input field) and doesn't get pushed to the scope variable inside ng-model. The variable will be updated only when and if the value is correct.

You can test it by entering a valid value. The reset button will work. If you enter an invalid value it won't.

You can fix it by setting $scope.myform = null instead of $scope.myform = {}. This will empty the field because the scope variable (expression) will be undefined. It will be automatically created by Angular once you enter a valid value inside any of the fields.

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avladov Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
