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AngularJS: $scope vs this: what is the use of $scope?

I found this in AngularJS style guide

Prefer using controller as syntax and capture this using a variable:

That means that I can assign all my functions and the model to the controller via this and access via the alias in the view. If I do so, I find that I really have no use for the $scope anymore. One exceptions is when I want to access something that's in the $rootScope.

So, having the quoted suggestion in mind, when should I use $scope at all if I'm not interested in accessing anything in the $rootScope?

That is, should I move everything to controller's this? If not, then what should stay in the $scope?

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user5080246 Avatar asked Dec 03 '16 20:12


2 Answers

when should I use $scope at all if I'm not interested in accessing anything in the $rootScope?

  • $scope is not just for accessing to properties or functions in the $rootScope. Example (not too often, by the way): Suppose you need to update a DOM element not in the angular way, it means updating it through any external library which modifies the component value (visually), but the ng-model of the component doesn't get updated and you need it to! What to do? Simple: $scope.$digest (depending on what you do, there might be any other angular function required).

should I move everything to controller's this?

  • No, you don't! Actually it is not a good idea to do that. Why? When you move everything to the controller's this, you are providing access to that "everything" from the view, which is impractical, since you don't need in the view everything is declared in the controller. In the controller sometimes (most of the time) you have variables and functions used just as complementary to others functions and variables (kind of private stuff): that should be kept "private", inside the controller. See example below:

  .module('myapp', [])
  .controller('foo', function() {

    var vm = this;
    // only this will be available in the view thanks to the controller as syntax
    vm.wizard = {
      userID: null,
      totalCartCount: 0

    // stuff used only inside the controller
    vm.private = {
      subtotalByProducts: [],

    // only "public" stuff is returned here
    return vm.wizard;

    // functions

If not, then what should stay in the $scope?

What you put in your $scope is completely up to you, as it is using the controller as syntax, but keep in mind that everything in the $scope is accessible in the view. The idea is to reduce the amount of variables passed to the view. This could not be noticeable in small webapp, but when the size of the app gets greater you can notice some changes (more time loading, etc).

This is a matter of perspective of each developer and how fond could be any of us of using best practices.

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lealceldeiro Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09


$scope should be used for the things that cannot be done with this (which equals to controller instance and becomes a property on $scope when being used with controllerAs syntax). This includes all scope methods.

For some of these methods $scope can generally be replaced with $rootScope, but it is semantically correct to not do that (not doing that may also be good for testability). The examples are $apply/$evalAsync without string argument, $on/$broadcast/$emit for events which are used exclusively on root scope.

For some of these methods $scope cannot be replaced with $rootScope, doing that will result in unexpected behaviour.

When $scope is being used for scope properties, it can be replaced with this and controllerAs syntax.

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Estus Flask Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Estus Flask