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AngularJs: Run Directives after View is fully rendered


I'm new to all Angular World, and i'm facing a problem managing the directives.

I'm working on a project that uses Tabs, and i want to extend its functionality to handle overflowed tabs when window size is narrower that the width of all my tabs, so i need to calculate some dimensions of elements to achieve this. The tabs are built from an Object in $scope, the problem is that the directive that calculates the dimensions is run before the view is fully compiled.

Plnkr Link: http://plnkr.co/edit/LOT4sZsNxnfmQ8zHymvw?p=preview

What i've tried:

  1. loading the template in directive using templateUrl
  2. working with transclude
  3. to use $last in ng-repeat
  4. try to reorder directive and create a dummy directive in every tab to trigger an event

I think that there is some AngularJs event, or property to handle this situation.

Please Guys Help :)

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Abu Qusai Avatar asked Mar 04 '13 08:03

Abu Qusai

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Note: When you create a directive, it is restricted to attribute and elements only by default. In order to create directives that are triggered by class name, you need to use the restrict option. The restrict option is typically set to: 'A' - only matches attribute name.

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2 Answers

I make a branch on your plunker, I I think this is what you were looking for

I change your directive to this

.directive('onFinishRenderFilters', function ($timeout) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attr) {
            if (scope.$last === true) {
                $timeout(function () {

Then on your HTML I added the directive

 <li ng-repeat="tab in tabs" on-finish-render-filters>

And the last thing I put the code I want to run after the repeat finish

$scope.$on('ngRepeatFinished', function (ngRepeatFinished) {
        $scope.tabs = [{
            index: 1,
            title: "Tab 1",
            link: "/tab1/"
            index: 2,
            title: "Tab 2",
            link: "/tab2/"
            index: 3,
            title: "Tab 3",
            link: "/tab3/"
            index: 4,
            title: "Tab 4",
            link: "/tab4/"



like image 181
agusgambina Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10


You can add a watch on the actual DOM elements in order to know when your ng-repeat is loaded into the DOM.

Give your ul an id, say #tabs

    function () { return document.getElementById('tabs').innerHTML },  
    function(newval, oldval){
        //console.log(newval, oldval);
        //do what you like
    }, true);
like image 23
Alexander Mistakidis Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Alexander Mistakidis