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AngularJS - routeProvider resolve calling a service method


I've created a service which checks the user login state (log the user in if token exists, otherwise redirect to login page).

Originally I called this service through the routeProvider resolve - this works perfectly once, but since Angularjs services are singleton the test would not run for consecutive calls.

I then tried to move the test into a method within the returned object, but I can't seem to be bale to get the routeProvider resolve to call a specific method of a service (which makes sense in a way).

Question is, how do I make sure my test is executed each time the route is loaded?

In the egghead videos series (http://www.egghead.io/video/rbqRJQZBF3Q) he uses a function assigned to the controller but this doesn't seem like the right solution for a production app (I don't want to assign a function to a specific controller and I do believe the Angularjs dependency injection won't work).

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Guy Nesher Avatar asked May 23 '13 10:05

Guy Nesher

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A resolve is a property you can attach to a route in both ngRoute and the more robust UI router. A resolve contains one or more promises that must resolve successfully before the route will change.

What is routeProvider in AngularJS?

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Answer: A is the correct answer. The $routeProvider is a service.

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1 Answers

service are singletons means there are initialized only one but time but if you simply return from service it will be called one time but if you return a function from service it will be called again and again .See Below Sample for working

var app = angular.module('ajay.singhApp', [])
  .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
      .when('/view1', {
        templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
        controller: 'MainCtrl',
        resolve: {
            myVar: function (repoService) {
                return repoService.getItems().then(function (response) {
                    return response.data;
        .when('/view2', {
            templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'
        redirectTo: '/view1'

app.factory('repoService', function ($http) {
    return {
        getItems: function () {
            return $http.get('TextFile.txt');
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Ajay Beniwal Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Ajay Beniwal