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AngularJS: $q wait for all even when 1 rejected



I've been trying to wait for a couple of promises with Angular's $q but there seems to be no option to 'wait for all even when a promis is rejected'. I've created an example (http://jsfiddle.net/Zenuka/pHEf9/21/) and I want a function to be executed when all promises are resolved/rejected, is that possible? Something like:

$q.whenAllComplete(promises, function() {....}) 

EDIT: In the example you see that the second service fails and immediately after that the function in $q.all().then(..., function(){...}) is being executed. I want to wait for the fifth promise to be completed.

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Zenuka Avatar asked Sep 19 '13 06:09


People also ask

What does $q do in AngularJS choose all that apply?

$q is an angular defined service. It's the same as new Promise(). But $q takes things to the next level by enhancing additional feature that developers can use to perform complex tasks more simply. resolve(value) – resolves the derived promise with the value.

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$q. defer() allows you to create a promise object which you might want to return to the function that called your login function.

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This '$timeout' service of AngularJS is functionally similar to the 'window. setTimeout' object of vanilla JavaScript. This service allows the developer to set some time delay before the execution of the function.

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2 Answers

Ok, I've implemeted a basic version myself (I only want to wait for an array of promises). Anyone can extend this or create a cleaner version if they want to :-) Check the jsfiddle to see it in action: http://jsfiddle.net/Zenuka/pHEf9/

angular.module('test').config(['$provide', function ($provide) {     $provide.decorator('$q', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {         var $q = $delegate;          // Extention for q         $q.allSettled = $q.allSettled || function (promises) {             var deferred = $q.defer();             if (angular.isArray(promises)) {                 var states = [];                 var results = [];                 var didAPromiseFail = false;                 if (promises.length === 0) {                      deferred.resolve(results);                     return deferred.promise;                 }                  // First create an array for all promises with their state                 angular.forEach(promises, function (promise, key) {                     states[key] = false;                 });                  // Helper to check if all states are finished                 var checkStates = function (states, results, deferred, failed) {                     var allFinished = true;                     angular.forEach(states, function (state, key) {                         if (!state) {                             allFinished = false;                         }                     });                     if (allFinished) {                         if (failed) {                             deferred.reject(results);                         } else {                             deferred.resolve(results);                         }                     }                 }                  // Loop through the promises                 // a second loop to be sure that checkStates is called when all states are set to false first                 angular.forEach(promises, function (promise, key) {                     $q.when(promise).then(function (result) {                         states[key] = true;                         results[key] = result;                         checkStates(states, results, deferred, didAPromiseFail);                     }, function (reason) {                         states[key] = true;                         results[key] = reason;                         didAPromiseFail = true;                         checkStates(states, results, deferred, didAPromiseFail);                     });                 });             } else {                 throw 'allSettled can only handle an array of promises (for now)';             }              return deferred.promise;         };          return $q;     }]); }]); 
like image 94
Zenuka Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09


Analogous to how all() returns an array/hash of the resolved values, the allSettled() function from Kris Kowal's Q returns a collection of objects that look either like:

{ state: 'fulfilled', value: <resolved value> } 


{ state: 'rejected', reason: <rejection error> } 

As this behavior is rather handy, I've ported the function to Angular.js's $q:

angular.module('your-module').config(['$provide', function ($provide) {     $provide.decorator('$q', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {         var $q = $delegate;          $q.allSettled = $q.allSettled || function allSettled(promises) {             // Implementation of allSettled function from Kris Kowal's Q:             // https://github.com/kriskowal/q/wiki/API-Reference#promiseallsettled              var wrapped = angular.isArray(promises) ? [] : {};              angular.forEach(promises, function(promise, key) {                 if (!wrapped.hasOwnProperty(key)) {                     wrapped[key] = wrap(promise);                 }             });              return $q.all(wrapped);              function wrap(promise) {                 return $q.when(promise)                     .then(function (value) {                         return { state: 'fulfilled', value: value };                     }, function (reason) {                         return { state: 'rejected', reason: reason };                     });             }         };          return $q;     }]); }]); 

Credit goes to:

  • Zenuka for the decorator code
  • Benjamin Gruenbaum for pointing me in the right direction
  • The all implementation from Angular.js source
like image 43
Michael Kropat Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Michael Kropat