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AngularJS - on button click nest div templates

I am working on a module where I will have div elements that are nested within div elements that may also be nested in div elements. These div elements will be created by the user when they click a button. The divs may end up looking like so:

  1. div1

    1.1. div2

    1.2. div3

    1.3. div4

       1.3.1 div5
       1.3.2 div6



and so forth...

Each of these divs will simply be an html template and I want to bind the data for each of these divs, say the div has a title, and so I will bind each div.

My first plan of action was to use ng-include and simply create ng-includes dynamically by the user and that way the templates will by loaded by ng-include. However, as I have found out, nested ng-includes are not possible due to dependancy issues.

I am aware of libraries that are cooked by users that try to hack their way around doing nesting of ng-includes but I am looking for a good practice of nesting templates, while staying away from extra libraries.

Any suggestions on what would be the best way to dynamically nest templates?

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Georgi Angelov Avatar asked Jun 30 '13 16:06

Georgi Angelov

1 Answers

What I understand is you want to use a template with ng-include in a recursive way (Hope I understand well your needs)

I made you a jsfiddle to show you how I'm doing it : http://jsfiddle.net/Mm32t/3/

Below, the jsfiddle code :

JS :

function myCtrl($scope)
    $scope.data = [
            title: "N°1 - first level",
            nodes: [
                    title: "N°1 - second level",
                    title: "N°2 - second level",
                    nodes: [
                            title: "N°1 - third level",
                            title: "N°2 - third level",
            title: "N°2 - first level",


<script type="text/ng-template" id="common_template">
        <li data-ng-repeat="node in nodes">
            <div data-ng-show="node.nodes" data-ng-include="'common_template'" data-ng-init="nodes = node.nodes"></div><!-- The best here is to use data-ui-if insted of data-ng-show but it require angular-ui-->

<div data-ng-controller="myCtrl" data-ng-include="'common_template'" data-ng-init="nodes = data"></div>

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Gabriel Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 08:10
