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AngularJS ng-repeat not working?

I'm new to AngularJs and still trying to figure out how the basics work... I'm using the Soundcloud API to pull a list of followers for a given user. So far in my $scope.init function I am able to connect to Soundcloud, authenticate a user and return a json list of the user's followers. I then push each follower into an array called $scope.results and verify that the array is full by outputting it in the console. However when I try to output each follower as a list item in the array using ng-repeat in my main.html view and I get nothing..... here's my code:


 .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
    $scope.apiKey = "##########################";
    $scope.results = [];
    $scope.init = function(){
        client_id: $scope.apiKey,
        redirect_uri: "http://localhost:9000/callback.html"
    // initiate auth popup
    SC.connect(function() {
        SC.get('/me', function(me) { 
        alert('Hello, ' + me.username); 

    SC.get('/me/followers', function(followers) {
        //angular.forEach(followers, function(value, index){
            angular.forEach(followers, function(follower, index){

main.html // which is a view

`<div ng-init="init()">`
`<li ng-repeat="follower in results">`
`<div class="row-fluid">`
    `<div class="span3">`
       `<div class="span6">`


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like image 278
accraze Avatar asked Jul 30 '13 19:07


People also ask

How does ng-repeat work?

The ng-repeat directive repeats a set of HTML, a given number of times. The set of HTML will be repeated once per item in a collection. The collection must be an array or an object. Note: Each instance of the repetition is given its own scope, which consist of the current item.

How do you pass an index in NG-repeat?

Each ng-repeat creates a child scope with the passed data, and also adds an additional $index variable in that scope. So what you need to do is reach up to the parent scope, and use that $index . Save this answer.

How do I display an array in NG-repeat?

You can perform some operation on your data and can create another object with the modified structure so that it can be used with ng-repeat to display the table in the form you want. You can understand this better with an example.

What is $Index in AngularJS?

Stay on the bleeding edge of your favorite technologies. $index is a way to show which iteration of a loop you're in. If we set up an ng-repeat to repeat over the letters in 'somewords', like so: <div ng-app="app"> <div ng-repeat="item in 'somewords'.split('')"> {{$index + 1}}. {{item}} </div> </div>

1 Answers

You are missing a call to $apply() because you are doing work outside of the angular world so try to add one line below push command and it should work

 angular.forEach(followers, function(follower, index){

like image 100
Ajay Beniwal Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09

Ajay Beniwal