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Angularjs nested form input validation ng-repeat



I am want to build a nested form using ng-repeat like following. Since my input fields are required, I want to add a error message in the next line with something like this: <span ng-show="submitted && editableForm.[e.name].$error.required" class="error">Required field</span>, I know this is wrong "editableForm.[e.name].$error.required", what is the right way to do this?

UPDATE Just tried adding <ng-form name="rowForm">, but this only works when I use a hardcode name attribute, in my case this is dynamically generated in [e.name]

Thanks Leo


<form name="editableForm" novalidate="novalidate"><div class="newEditable">
  <ul ng-repeat="row in newRows">
    <li ng-repeat="e in rowAttrs">
     <input type="text" ng-model="newRows[e.name]" name="e.name" ng-required="e.required">
    <li><a href="" ng-click="rm_row($index)">x</li>
  </div><a href="" ng-click="newRow()">{{add}}</a>
  <a ng-show="newRows.length > 0" ng-click="saveIt(editableForm)">{{save}}</a>
like image 361
user1883793 Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 10:07


2 Answers

For this specific code example you also need to add an ng-form attribute to the first ng-repeat:

<ul ng-repeat="row in newRows" ng-form="innerForm">

You can now do something similar with your original solution to highlight the required field:

<div class="validation_error" ng-show="e.required && innerForm['\{\{e.name\}\}'].$error.required">
like image 77
Alex Pop Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Alex Pop

Solved by adding escape to the dynamic name, jsfiddle.net/langdonx/6H8Xx/2


<div class="validation_error" ng-show="e.required && rowForm['\{\{e.name\}\}'].$error.required">
like image 35
user1883793 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
