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AngularJS Microsoft Edge Screen doesn't reflect the DOM

I'm using AngularJS 1.5.0 and Microsoft Edge browser screen doesn't reflect the DOM.

I would like some suggestion how this can be fixed.

I can't really apply a fix for each element as the application is somewhat big with dynamic user content including Angular equations. Also the app include a lot of dynamic bindings linked to input boxes.

Selecting the text with the mouse turn the 0 into a 2 which is the right value in the example below. Also changing the position style back and forth seem to force Edge to redraw the element but it's somewhat an ugly fix that I don't like very much and it need to be trigger at so many places (Ajax request, input changes and so on...)

The page start with a value of 0. Then an Ajax call is made and it go fetch the real data. After some experimentation the bug only appears if the new data is 1 character (ex: 2 or 9). And it happens every time. If it's a 2 digit number (ex: 26) then the good number appears.

Any help on this matter would be gladly appreciated.

enter image description here

like image 336
Jonathan Thérien Avatar asked Feb 16 '16 19:02

Jonathan Thérien

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1 Answers

We were facing the same problem and it stopped occurring after removing the text-transform: uppercase style from the elements that are not updating.

@Sampson, it looks like this is a bug in Edge.

like image 95
Wilgert Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
