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angularjs html5mode refresh page get 404


I've created an app using AngularJS with GAE (Google App Engine – Java).

I want to convert it compatible with SEO.


  • <meta name="fragment" content="!" />
  • <base href="/">

and the body is loaded dynamically through <div ui-view></div>.



The url works fine but when I refresh page I get 404 error.

Do you have any idea, what this causes?

like image 478
user2625111 Avatar asked Jul 27 '13 08:07


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1 Answers

I'm sure you've already solved this, but for anybody else running into this issue:

Basically AngularJS's $locationProvider.html5mode(true) makes use of HTML5's history.pushState(), which artificially changes the user's history and address bar URL without reloading the page. If you create a route (in Angular) for /about, but don't have any matching route on the server, you will run into the issue where reloading the page reveals the fact that it's not there on the server. The simplest solution is to mirror your entry point for your app (/index.html?) for all routes accessible by your app.

See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16570533/1500501

like image 156
Michael Tang Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Michael Tang