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AngularJS: how to enable $locationProvider.html5Mode with deeplinking



When enabling the html5Mode in AngularJS via $locationProvider.html5Mode(true), navigation seems to be skewed when you land on a page deeper in the site.

for example:

  • http://www.site.com
    when i navigate to the root, i can click all links in the site, Angular's $routeProvider will take over navigating through the site and loading the correct views.

  • http://www.site.com/news/archive
    but when i navigate to this url (or hit refresh when I'm on a deeplink like the above one...) this navigation is not working as I expect it to. first of all, our as the Documentation for $locationProvider.html5Mode specifies, we catch all urls on the server, similar to the otherwise route in angular, and return the same html as the root domain. But if I then check the $location object from within the run function of angular, it tells me that http://www.site.com is my host and that /archive is my path. the $routeProvider arrives in the .otherwise() clause, since i only have /news/archive as a valid route. and the app does weird stuff.

Maybe the rewriting on the server needs to be done differently, or I need to specify stuff in angular, but currently i'm clueless as to why angular see's the path without the /news segment included.

example main.js:

// Create an application module
var App = angular.module('App', []);

App.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function AppConfig($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {

        '/', {
            redirectTo: '/home'
        .when('/home', {
            templateUrl: 'templates/home.html'
        .when('/login', {
            templateUrl: 'templates/login.html'
        .when('/news', {
            templateUrl: 'templates/news.html'
        .when('/news/archive', {
            templateUrl: 'templates/newsarchive.html'
        // removed other routes ... *snip
            redirectTo: '/home'

    // enable html5Mode for pushstate ('#'-less URLs)


// Initialize the application
App.run(['$location', function AppRun($location) {
    debugger; // -->> here i debug the $location object to see what angular see's as URL

Edit as per request, more details on the server side: the server side is organised by the routing of zend framework, and it handles it's own routes (for serving data to the frontend on specific /api urls, and at the end, there is a catch-all route if no specific other route is bound, it serves the same html as the root-route. so it basically serves the homepage html on that deeplinked route.

Update 2 after looking into the problem we noticed this routing works fine as it is, on Angular 1.0.7 stable, but shows the above described behaviour in the Angular 1.1.5 unstable.

I've checked the change-logs but haven't found anything useful so far, I guess we can either submit it as a bug, or unwanted behaviour linked to a certain change they did, or just wait and see if it get's fixed in the later to be released stable version.

like image 384
Sander Avatar asked Aug 13 '13 16:08


4 Answers

Found out that there's no bug there. Just add:

<base href="/" />

to your <head />.

like image 174
samura Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09


This was the best solution I found after more time than I care to admit. Basically, add target="_self" to each link that you need to insure a page reload.


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Larry Eitel Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Larry Eitel

This problem was due to the use of AngularJS 1.1.5 (which was unstable, and obviously had some bug or different implementation of the routing than it was in 1.0.7)

turning it back to 1.0.7 solved the problem instantly.

have tried the 1.2.0rc1 version, but have not finished testing as I had to rewrite some of the router functionality since they took it out of the core.

anyway, this problem is fixed when using AngularJS vs 1.0.7.

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Sander Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09


  1. Configure AngularJS

$location / switching between html5 and hashbang mode / link rewriting

  1. Configure your server:


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grant Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
