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AngularJS. How to call controller function from outside of controller component



How I can call function defined under controller from any place of web page (outside of controller component)?

It works perfectly when I press "get" button. But I need to call it from outside of div controller. The logic is: by default my div is hidden. Somewhere in navigation menu I press a button and it should show() my div and execute "get" function. How I can achieve this?

My web page is:

<div ng-controller="MyController">   <input type="text" ng-model="data.firstname" required>   <input type='text' ng-model="data.lastname" required>    <form ng-submit="update()"><input type="submit" value="update"></form>   <form ng-submit="get()"><input type="submit" value="get"></form> </div> 

My js:

   function MyController($scope) {       // default data and structure       $scope.data = {         "firstname" : "Nicolas",         "lastname" : "Cage"       };        $scope.get = function() {         $.ajax({            url: "/php/get_data.php?",            type: "POST",            timeout: 10000, // 10 seconds for getting result, otherwise error.            error:function() { alert("Temporary error. Please try again...");},            complete: function(){ $.unblockUI();},            beforeSend: function(){ $.blockUI()},            success: function(data){             json_answer = eval('(' + data + ')');             if (json_answer){                 $scope.$apply(function () {                   $scope.data = json_answer;             });             }         }     });   };    $scope.update = function() {     $.ajax({         url: "/php/update_data.php?",         type: "POST",         data: $scope.data,         timeout: 10000, // 10 seconds for getting result, otherwise error.         error:function() { alert("Temporary error. Please try again...");},         complete: function(){ $.unblockUI();},         beforeSend: function(){ $.blockUI()},         success: function(data){ }       });     };    } 
like image 825
Pavel Zdarov Avatar asked May 23 '13 08:05

Pavel Zdarov

People also ask

Can we call function from another controller in AngularJS?

If the two controller is nested in One controller. Then you can simply call: $scope. parentmethod();

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You can't inject controllers into one another.

How do you call a function in AngularJS?

You can call your angularJS function from javascript or jquery with the help of angular. element().

1 Answers

Here is a way to call controller's function from outside of it:


where get() is a function from your controller.

You can switch




If you are using jQuery.

Also, if your function means changing anything on your View, you should call


to apply the changes.

One more thing, you should note is that scopes are initialized after the page is loaded, so calling methods from outside of scope should always be done after the page is loaded. Else you will not get to the scope at all.


With the latest versions of angular, you should use


And yes, this is, in fact, a bad practice, but sometimes you just need things done quick and dirty.

like image 197
Dmitry Mina Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10

Dmitry Mina