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angularjs getting previous route path

<h1>{{header}}</h1> <!-- This Back button has multiple option --> <!-- In home page it will show menu --> <!-- In other views it will show back link --> <a ng-href="{{back.url}}">{{back.text}}</a> <div ng-view></div> 

In my module config

  $routeProvider.   when('/', {     controller:HomeCtrl,     templateUrl:'home.html'   }).   when('/menu', {     controller:MenuCtrl,     templateUrl:'menu.html'   }).   when('/items', {     controller:ItemsCtrl,     templateUrl:'items.html'   }).   otherwise({     redirectto:'/'   }); 


function HomeCtrl($scope, $rootScope){   $rootScope.header = "Home";   $rootScope.back = {url:'#/menu', text:'Menu'}; }  function MenuCtrl($scope, $rootScope){   $rootScope.header = "Menu";   $rootScope.back = {url:'#/', text:'Back'}; }  function ItemsCtrl($scope, $rootScope){   $rootScope.header = "Items";   $rootScope.back = {url:'#/', text:'Back'}; } 

As you can see in my controllers I have hard coded the back button url and text (Actually I don't need the text as using an image). In this way I found back button navigate incorrectly in some cases. I cannot use history.back() coz my back button changes to a menu link in home view.

So my question is how do I get the previous route path in controllers or is better way to achieve this ?

I have created a Plunker demonstration of my problem. Please check that.

like image 591
Gihan Avatar asked Mar 02 '13 14:03


People also ask

What is a function of the$ route service?

$route is used for deep-linking URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials). It watches $location. url() and tries to map the path to an existing route definition.

What is route in AngularJS?

Routing in AngularJS is used when the user wants to navigate to different pages in an application but still wants it to be a single page application. AngularJS routes enable the user to create different URLs for different content in an application.

Who made AngularJS?

AngularJS was originally developed in 2009 by Miško Hevery at Brat Tech LLC as the software behind an online JSON storage service, that would have been priced by the megabyte, for easy-to-make applications for the enterprise.

2 Answers

This alternative also provides a back function.

The template:

<a ng-click='back()'>Back</a> 

The module:

myModule.run(function ($rootScope, $location) {      var history = [];      $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {         history.push($location.$$path);     });      $rootScope.back = function () {         var prevUrl = history.length > 1 ? history.splice(-2)[0] : "/";         $location.path(prevUrl);     };  }); 
like image 134
andersh Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 16:10


Use the $locationChangeStart or $locationChangeSuccess events, 3rd parameter:

$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart',function(evt, absNewUrl, absOldUrl) {    console.log('start', evt, absNewUrl, absOldUrl); }); $scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess',function(evt, absNewUrl, absOldUrl) {    console.log('success', evt, absNewUrl, absOldUrl); }); 
like image 35
Mark Rajcok Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 16:10

Mark Rajcok