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AngularJS: Filter ng-options not having specific values

I want to filter on a select like so :

<select ng-model="test" ng-options="c as c.label group by c.type for c in columns | filter:{c.type:'!field'} | filter:{c.type:'!map'}"></select> 

EDIT : Adding the column model :

Columns = [ {     name: "name",     label: "Label",     info: "Information displayed in help",     type: "type",     view: "html template",     style: "min-width: 10em;",     show: true }, {  ... } ]; 

Columns is used for several things and to optimize my code I need it to be also in a Select, but without the entries whose type are 'field' nor 'map'

Yet, I get to choose from everything, even the entries which types are 'field' and 'map'. Is there a clean way to do it ?

like image 429
Romain Avatar asked Nov 25 '13 10:11


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1 Answers

AngularJS NOT Filter

<select ng-model="test" ng-options="c as c.label group by c.type for c in columns     | filter:{ type : '!field' }     | filter:{ type : '!map' }"> </select> 


From the docs:

"...The predicate can be negated by prefixing the string with !."

"A pattern object can be used to filter specific properties on objects contained by array. For example {name:"M", phone:"1"} predicate will return an array of items which have property name containing "M" and property phone containing "1"..."

like image 162
AlwaysALearner Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09
