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Angular.js - Filter in img src tag


We use Angular mainly for our search form, which is pretty complex. We use Solr as search framework and get our search results via AJAX/JSONP, which works perfectly.

There should be an image in every search result, but it can happen that there is none. I use a filter to prevent nasty "X"s in the Internet Explorer when there is no img-URL in my search result.

angular.module('solr.filter', []).     filter('searchResultImg', function() {               return function(input) {             if (typeof(input) == "undefined") {                 return "http://test.com/logo.png";             } else {                  return input;             }         }; }); 

My linked image looks like this in the source code:

<a href="{{doc.url}}"><img src="{{doc.image_url | searchResultImg}}"/></a> 

Like I said, the infos are delivered correctly, the "problem" I have is that Firebug sends a GET request with the Angular src like:


The link is edited, so it won't work. Else customer freak out ;)

Does anyone have experience with this behaviour or knows a better way to set filters for src-tags?

like image 265
Hyque Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 16:10


1 Answers

Try replacing src with ng-src for more info see the documentation or this post.

<a href="{{doc.url}}"><img ng-src="{{doc.image_url | searchResultImg}}"/></a> 

Using Angular markup like {{hash}} in a src attribute doesn't work right: The browser will fetch from the URL with the literal text {{hash}} until Angular replaces the expression inside {{hash}}. The ngSrc directive solves this problem.

like image 183
Gloopy Avatar answered Dec 13 '22 23:12
