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AngularJS Filter Exact Match



This is now provided natively within the filter. You can just pass true to the filter to enable strict matching.

<li ng-repeat="movie in movieList | filter : filters : true">{{ movie.title }}</li>




In case someone wants to use the filter on the JavaScript side you can do it like:

$scope.filtered = $filter('filter')($scope.movieList, { genre.name: filters.genre}, true);

Notice the true at the end... it indicates that is to search for the exact match.

filter can also take a function where you can implement your own filter. I made a plunker showing it in action: http://plnkr.co/edit/v0uzGS?p=preview

Here's the relevant code:

$scope.ChooseGenreFunction = function(genre) {
  $scope.filters = function(movie) {
    return movie.genre === genre;
$scope.ChooseGenreString = function(genre) {
  $scope.filters = genre;