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angularjs directive: $rootScope:infdig error

I'm trying to build a pagination directive with angularjs 1.2.15:

This is my view:

<input type="text" ng-model="filter.user">
<input type="number" ng-model="filter.limit" ng-init="filter.limit=5">
  <li ng-repeat="user in (filteredUsers = (users | orderBy:order:reverse | filter:filter.user ) | limitTo: filter.limit)" ng-click="showDetails(user)">
    {{user.id}} / {{user.firstname}} {{user.lastname}}
<div pagination data='filteredUsers' limit='filter.limit'></div>

and here is my pagination directive:

app.directive('pagination', function(){
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    templateUrl: 'partials/pagination.html',
    scope: {
      data: '=data',
      limit: '=limit'

Everything works perfectly fine without the pagination directive. However with my new directive as soon as I load the page I get a $rootScope:infdig error which I don't understand since the directive is not doing anything to manipulate data that could end up in an infinite loop.
What is the problem here and how can I solve it? Thanks!

Here are the controller and the resource.

  function ($scope, Users) {
    function init(){
      $scope.users = Users.get();

Resource (gets users as an array from a REST API):

app.factory('Users', function($resource) {
  return $resource('http://myrestapi.tld/users', null,{
       'get': { method:'GET', isArray: true, cache: true }

Update 2

Here is a demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/9GCE3Kzf21a7l10GFPmy?p=preview
Just type in a letter (e.g. "f") into the left input.

like image 238
Horen Avatar asked Apr 08 '14 04:04


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1 Answers

The problem is not within the directive, it's within the $watch the directive creates. When you send filteredUsers to the directive, the directive creates the following line:

$scope.$watch("filteredUsers", function() {
    // Directive Code...

Notice in the following example how we reproduce it without a directive: http://plnkr.co/edit/uRj19PyXkvnLNyh5iY0j

The reason it happens is because you are changing filteredUsers every time a digest runs (since you put the assignment in the ng-repeat statement).

To fix this you might consider watching and filtering the array in the controller with the extra parameter 'true' for the $watch:

$scope.$watch("users | orderBy:order:reverse | filter:filter.user", function(newVal) {
    $scope.filteredUsers = newVal;
}, true);

You can check the solution here: http://plnkr.co/edit/stxqBtzLsGEXmsrv3Gp6

the $watch without the extra parameter (true) will do a simple comparison to the object, and since you create a new array in every digest loop, the object will always be different. When you're passing the true parameter to the $watch function, it means it will actually do deep comparison to the object that returns before running the $watch again, so even if you have different instances of arrays that has the same data it will consider them equal.

like image 123
Barnash Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 12:10
