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angularjs directive binding name attribute to template element

I am trying create a wrapper directive over select and I am trying to assign the 'name 'attribute to the select


    <form name=myform>
          <selectformfield label="Select Orders" id="id_1" name="orderselection"
            selectedval="obj.order" options="Orders" />

I have my directive defined as

            function() {
                return {
                    restrict : 'E',
                    transclude : true,
                    scope : {
                        label : '@',
                        id : '@',
                        selectedval : '=',
                        options : '=',
                        name: '='
                      template : "<select class='form-control'     ng-model='selectedval' name='{{name}}' ng-options='item as item.name for item in options' required><option value=''>-- select --</option></select>"


I am trying to access the select's name attribute through myform in the controller something like console.log($scope.myForm.orderselection) and I get undefined

If I hardcode the name in the directive then I am able to access the attribute console.log($scope.myForm.orderselection)

I am missing anything here. Do I have to do any post compile or something ?

like image 880
sam Avatar asked Oct 19 '13 02:10


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1 Answers

Khanh TO is correct in that you need to setup your name correctly when trying to access to through your isolated scope. Here is a working example of what I believe you are trying to accomplish. I've added comments to the code where I've changed what you had.



var app = angular.module('plunker', [])

.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, $log) {
    $scope.model = {
        person: {
            name: 'World'
        people: [{
            name: 'Bob'
        }, {
            name: 'Harry'
        }, {
            name: 'World'

.directive('selectformfield', function ($compile) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true, // Probably want replace instead of transclude
        scope: {
            label: '@',
            id: '@',
            selectedval: '=',
            options: '=',
            name: '@' // Change name to read the literal value of the attr
        // change name='{{ name }}' to be ng-attr-name='{{ name }}' to support interpolation
        template: "<select class='form-control' ng-model='selectedval' ng-attr-name='{{name}}' ng-options='item as item.name for item in options' required><option value=''>-- select --</option></select>"


<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <p>Hello {{ model.person.name}}!</p>
     <form name='myForm'>
          <label for='orderselection'>Say hello to: </label>
          <selectformfield label="Select Orders" id="id_1" name="orderselection"
            selectedval="model.person" options="model.people"></selectformfield>
       <p ng-class='{valid: myForm.$valid, invalid: myForm.$invalid }'>The form is valid: {{ myForm.$valid }}</p>
       <p ng-class='{valid: myForm.orderselection.$valid, invalid: myForm.orderselection.$invalid }'>The people select field is valid: {{ myForm.orderselection.$valid }}</p>


.valid {
  color: green;

.invalid {
  color: red;
like image 130
mortalapeman Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
