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AngularJS: Correct minify-able syntax when using resolve with controllers

I'm using the resolve functionality with a couple of controllers to fetch some data before the rendering of a new view kicks in like this:

HomeCtrl.resolve = {     pictures: function(Picture) {         return Picture.getall();     }  }; 

How do I write this so the Picture-service, that is passed as an argument, doesn't get overwritten when minified?

like image 908
acrmuui Avatar asked Apr 02 '13 11:04


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Alternatively, you can use ng-annotate npm package in your build process to avoid this verbosity. Instead of using this more verbose syntax you can use ngmin and a build tool (like Grunt) before you run minification. That way you can minify properly but also use either dependency injection syntax.

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1 Answers

You can inject the dependencies using the following pattern, it is minification proof

HomeCtrl.resolve = {     pictures : ['Picture', function(Picture) {                 return Picture.getall();             }] }; 
like image 61
Arun P Johny Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

Arun P Johny