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AngularJS confirm before route change

Is it possible to listen for route changes AND onwindowunload both to confirm page leave without saving changes?

Use cases:

  • User clicks Back
  • User presses back button in browser
  • User types in a different URL

If the user clicks 'cancel' stop the page / route change.

I've seen a few different examples but none worked quite right.

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amcdnl Avatar asked Dec 30 '13 21:12


People also ask

How to detect route change in AngularJS?

In order to detect route change at any moment in AngularJS, this can be achieved by using the $on() method. The $on() method is an event handler, the event which will handle $routeChangeSuccess which gets triggered when route/view change is done. Syntax: $rootScope.

2 Answers

Demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/Aq8uYg

In the demo, if you change the value of input, you will be noticed when trying to go back.

Listen to $locationChangeStart and use event.preventDefault() to cancel the location change if changes not confirmed.

This method has one advantage over $route.reload(): current controller and models will not be re-instantiated. thus all of your variables are kept the same as user click the "Back" button.

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Daiwei Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10


You'll find the $locationChangeStart is an event you can listen for to detect for a route change.

Try something like

$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event, next, current) {
  /* do some verification */

$route.reload() will prevent the route change from going through.

The distinction between user clicking back or changing the url etc will not make a difference. As browsers don't reload any resources when you alter the url past the # it's all still contained in your angular logic. This means all these methods should trigger the $locationChangeStart event.

@Jon pointed out that the $route service will definitely be of use to you. the .reload() method will prevent the route change from completing but there is much more you can do with the $route service if you look into it - see documentation.

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Lawrence Jones Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Lawrence Jones