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Angular.js code coverage using Karma w. Coffeescript

I had some difficulties running Istanbul code coverage tool with Angular.js + Jasmine. I'm coding in Coffeescript, but since Instanbul doesn't support it yet, source is converted to JS on every save.

Basically, I don't see the relation between tests and tested code here, because files with no unit tests at all still get 66% coverage, which, well... doesn't make sense at all.

As I've mentioned in the title, I'm using Karma as a test runner but command-line produces the same result.

Example Angular.js controller (compiled .coffee):

'use strict';
angular.module('app.controllers').controller('HelpIndexCtrl', [
  '$scope', function($scope) {
    return $scope.foo = 'bar';

and the unit test:

'use strict'
describe "controllers", ->
  beforeEach angular.mock.module "app.controllers"
  scope = rootScope = {}
  describe "HelpIndexCtrl", -> inject ($controller)->
    ctrl = $controller 'HelpIndexCtrl', $scope:scope
    it 'should have working scope', ->
      expect(scope.foo).toBe 'bar'

General coverage results

Example controller

Example controller

like image 521
Rafal Pastuszak Avatar asked Oct 22 '22 10:10

Rafal Pastuszak

1 Answers

Here's the solution that worked perfectly in my case and powered several medium and large projects (I'm using [email protected]):

It turned out that it's much more convenient for me to convert .coffee files using grunt and then pass .js files to karma coverage processor:

Karma configuration

  module.exports = function (karma) {
      basePath: '../',
      frameworks: ['jasmine'],
      files: [

        // -------- START: IMPORTS ----------


        // and so on for the next 80 lines...

        // -------- END: IMPORTS ----------




        // Custom Mocks //

        // CoffeeScript //
      reporters: ['progress', 'coverage', 'junit'],

      plugins: [

      junitReporter: {
        outputFile: 'test-results.xml'

      // web server port
      // CLI --port 3334
      port: 3334,

      // cli runner port
      // CLI --runner-port 9100
      runnerPort: 9100,

      // enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
      // CLI --colors --no-colors
      colors      : true,
      logLevel    : karma.LOG_DISABLE,
      autoWatch   : true,
      loggers     : [],
      browsers    : ['PhantomJS'],

      // If browser does not capture in given timeout [ms], kill it
      // CLI --capture-timeout 5000
      captureTimeout: 5000,

      // Auto run tests on start (when browsers are captured) and exit
      // CLI --single-run --no-single-run
      singleRun: true,

      // report which specs are slower than 500ms
      // CLI --report-slower-than 500
      reportSlowerThan: 500,

      coverageReporter : {
        type: 'html',
        dir: 'test/coverage/'

      preprocessors: {
        'test/js/**/*.js': 'coverage'


GruntFile.json snippet:

      'public/js/app.js' : ['app/**/*.coffee']
      sourceMap: yes
      join: yes
      bare: yes
      bare: yes
    expand: yes
    flatten: no
    cwd: 'app/'
    src: ['**/*.coffee']
    dest: 'test/js/'
    ext: '.js'


Note that subsequent minor versions of karma require different configuration settings. This config won't work on [email protected]. However, the differences in config structure are mostly aesthetic (eg. config method refactored to set, etc..).

like image 91
Rafal Pastuszak Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10

Rafal Pastuszak