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Angularjs call $scope.function from plain JS function [duplicate]

I am trying to implement a google recapcha, I am able to verify user is Human with the help of it,

The reCapcha code is calling Callback function named 'verifyCallback'in my code, Further I want to call an AngularJS fucntion written in my controller scope.

Here are my codes so far -

Main Html , I've included-

<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit" async defer></script>

Html partial -

    var onloadCallback = function() 
        grecaptcha.render('loginCapcha', {
            'sitekey' : 'someKey',
            'callback' : verifyCallback,


    var verifyCallback = function(response) 
        //I get a response if user is able to solve the Capcha challenge

        //I want to call the function called 'auth' written in my AngularJS controller
        var scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('#loginCapcha')).scope();

    <div id="loginCapcha"></div>

AngularJS Controller -

var _myApp = angular.module('homeApp',[]);


    $scope.auth = function()
        console.log("Auth called");
like image 705
Ani Avatar asked Apr 29 '16 04:04


1 Answers

<div ng-controller='loginController' id='yourControllerElementID'> 


For above scenario, use following code:

var scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('yourControllerElementID')).scope();

So, your method will look like this:

var verifyCallback = function(response) 
        //I get a response if user is able to solve the Capcha challenge

        //I want to call the function called 'auth' written in my AngularJS controller
        var scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('#yourControllerElementID')).scope();
like image 106
Khalid Hussain Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10

Khalid Hussain