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angularJS add table row (TR) inside an ng-repeat -



EDIT this is a similar (or duplicate) of Angular.js ng-repeat across multiple elements


i have a table, whose rows are generated via ng-repeat:

<tr ng-repeat="(key, value) in rows"> 

i'd really prefer to keep it in <table> tag, and not several inline-blocks, for various reasons.

How can I add another row just below each row, e.g. pseudo-code

[ somehow-repeat ng-repeat="(key, value) in rows"]
    <tr class="1"> 

    <tr class="1"> 
        <td colspan="2">
[ /somehow-repeat ]

as far as i know (worth checking) i can't wrap the TR inside another element. just chekced :( the table doesn't show if i the "somehow-repeat" element is or

so - is there a way to add new row despite being in ng-repeat?

like image 891
Berry Tsakala Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 05:03

Berry Tsakala

1 Answers

You can use repeat-start and repeat-end:

<tr class="1" ng-repeat-start="(key, value) in rows"> 

<tr class="1" ng-repeat-end> 
    <td colspan="2">
like image 93
Ye Liu Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 04:03

Ye Liu