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Angular - unit test for a subscribe function in a component


Angular 4 unit test for a subscribe.

I want to test that my subscribe returns an array of Users. I want to mock a list of users and test a function called getUsers.

The subscribe unit test doesnt work. Something wrong with the syntax.

This is my Users interface:

export interface User {   id: number;   name: string;   username: string;   email: string;   address: {     street: string;     suite: string;     city: string;     zipcode: string;     geo: {       lat: string;       lng: string;     }   };   phone: string;   website: string;   company: {     name: string;     catchPhrase: string;     bs: string;   }; }; 

This is my component I want to test:

import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable";  import { UserService } from "../../services/user.service"; import { User } from "../../models/user.model";  @Component({   selector: "home-users",   templateUrl: "./home.component.html" })  export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {   private listOfUsers: User[];    constructor(private userService: UserService) {   }    ngOnInit() {     this.getUsers();   }    getUsers(): void {     this.userService.getUsers().subscribe(users => {       this.listOfUsers = users;     });   } } 

This is my unit test attempt:

import { TestBed, async, inject } from "@angular/core/testing"; import { HttpModule } from "@angular/http";  import { HomeComponent } from "./home.component"; import { UserService } from "../../services/user.service"; import { User } from "../../models/user.model";  describe("HomeComponent", () => {   let userService;   let homeComponent;   let fixture;   let element;    beforeEach(async(() => {     TestBed.configureTestingModule({       declarations: [         HomeComponent       ],       providers: [         UserService       ],       imports: [HttpModule]     }).compileComponents();   }));    beforeEach(inject([UserService], s => {     userService = s;     fixture = TestBed.createComponent(HomeComponent);     homeComponent = fixture.componentInstance;     element = fixture.nativeElement;   }));    it("should call getUsers and return list of users", async(() => {     // Arrange     let response: User[] = [];      // Act     homeComponent.getUsers();      fixture.detectChanges();     fixture.whenStable().subscribe(() => {         expect(homeComponent.listOfUsers).toEqual(response);     });   })); }); 
like image 548
AngularM Avatar asked Aug 23 '17 12:08


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2 Answers

You need this for version rxjs@6 and above. For older rxjs version answer is below:

    import { of } from 'rxjs';      it("should call getUsers and return list of users", async(() => {       const response: User[] = [];        spyOn(userService, 'getUsers').and.returnValue(of(response))        homeComponent.getUsers();        fixture.detectChanges();            expect(homeComponent.listOfUsers).toEqual(response);     })); 

For old rxjs version change import from:

    import { of } from 'rxjs'; 


    import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of'; 
like image 130
Sharikov Vladislav Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Sharikov Vladislav

I had similar issue and to make it work I used the arbitrary function (in the following code it's named done) inside of it

   it("should call getUsers and return list of users", async((done) => {     // Arrange     let response: User[] = [];      // Act     homeComponent.getUsers();      fixture.detectChanges();     fixture.whenStable().subscribe(() => {         expect(homeComponent.listOfUsers).toEqual(response);         done();     });   })); 
like image 23
Pini Cheyni Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Pini Cheyni