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Angular ng-init like for VueJs



Im using vuejs and some time i need to create new variables in the template.

In angular I could go:

<div ng-app="" ng-init="myText='Hello World!'">

How can that be achived in vuejs?


like image 657
SexyMF Avatar asked Oct 31 '17 06:10


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2 Answers

It's not really recommended to init from the template, but it is possible to do this with a directive:

Vue.directive('init', {
  bind: function(el, binding, vnode) {
    vnode.context[binding.arg] = binding.value;

Which you can use like:

<div v-init:myvar="'foo'"></div>

All that does is take the binding argument (this bit after the :) and sets it's value the the binding value on the Vue instance's data property.

Here's the JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/craig_h_411/snpLtt8c/

A couple of caveats for that though, firstly binding.arg is always passed as lower case, so if you want to use camelCase variables you will probably need to implement something that converts kebab-case to camelCase:

Vue.directive('init', {
  bind: function(el, binding, vnode) {

    // convert kebab-case to camelCase
    let arg = binding.arg.split('-').map((arg, index) => {
      return (index > 0) ? arg[0].toUpperCase() + arg.substring(1) : arg;

    vnode.context[arg] = binding.value;


<div v-init:my-text="'Hello World'"></div>

Here's the Fiddle for that: http://jsfiddle.net/craig_h_411/9xepfpw3/

Secondly, you still need to declare your variables upfront in data.

like image 151
craig_h Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09


For the ones that wanted the same functionality but instead of initializing a data property, it calls a function/method on your Vue instance which may, in turn, assign values or call an API, check this out.

v-init directive

Vue.directive('init', {
    bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {

Sample Vue instance

new Vue({
    el: '#some-element',
    methods: {
        callApi: function () {
            // add your http api call here --.

Usage in Html

<div id="some-element" v-init="callApi"></div>
like image 41
Timothy Macharia Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Timothy Macharia