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Angular multiple transclude dynamic number of elements

Angular 1.5 enables the ability to multi transclude.

Notably, it'd be useful to be able to transclude a dynamic number of items into a directive and declare the names and locations of those transcludes at a later time (e.g. in the link/compile).

To further illustrate, I want the ability to do something like:

//Example usage of directive
.... dynamic number of items ...

//Example of directive that dynamically transcludes multiple items
angular.module("multiSlotTranscludeExample", [])
    .directive("directiveName", function(){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        transclude: {
            't1': '?transclude1',
            't2': '?transclude2',
            //I'd like this list to be able to be defined non-statically (e.g. in link)
        template: '<div ng-repeat="n in transcludedElementList">'
        + '<div ng-transclude="t{{n}"></div>'
        + '</div>'

Note that in the directive declaration which implements a multi-transclude, I have to have prior knowledge about the number of items that will be transcluded when declaring it.

Is there a way to do something like this in either a link (or using a workaround), which would keep the same functionality that transclusion current offers?

like image 905
kclem06 Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 11:09


1 Answers

Unfortunately, Angular does not seem to provide any non-intrusive way to do this.

However, it can be achieved with a little tweak.

We need to intervene in angular.js's transclusion slot logic:


var slots = createMap();

$template = jqLite(jqLiteClone(compileNode)).contents();

// Small tweak to allow dynamic transclusion
if (directiveValue === 'dynamic') {
  directiveValue = $parse(templateAttrs.transcludeDynamic)();

if (isObject(directiveValue)) {

  // We have transclusion slots,
  // collect them up, compile them and store their transclusion functions
  $template = [];


This allows us to specify the transclusion options in the component's consumer, like so:

<my-custom-component transclude-dynamic="{testSlot: 'test', testSlot2: 'test2'}">
  <test>something to transclude</test>
  <test2>then another slot content to transclude</test2>

In the component we enable dynamic transclusion:

selector: 'myCustomComponent',
template: template,
transclude: 'dynamic',
bindings: {
  transcludeDynamic: '<'

Note that we also bind the transclusion info, this enables us to ng-repeat, ng-if and any other logic on it.

For example:

<div ng-repeat="(slot, name) in $ctrl.transcludeDynamic">
  <div ng-transclude="{{slot}}"></div>
  <div>something else</div>

PR: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/pull/14227

like image 123
Ovidiu Dolha Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Ovidiu Dolha