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Angular JS $locationChangeStart get next url route object

I am trying to implement Authorization on my angular application, when a route is changed I want to check whether the route is authorized for user or not. I tried with $routeChangeStart but it does not prevents the event.

My current code:

$scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
            var route_object = next.route_object;

Here in my next object I am getting route_object which is set in my $routeProvider

var routes = object;
    app.config(function($routeProvider) {
                $routeProvider.when(url, {
                    templateUrl: "/users.html",
                    route_object: routes,

routes is an object which is formed in my function, but when I use $locationChangeStart I am just getting url's of next and previous page,

How do I get the entire route object??

like image 366
Niraj Chauhan Avatar asked Oct 31 '14 12:10

Niraj Chauhan

2 Answers

You can get the route parameter in an $locationChangeStart event listener like this:

$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
        var route_object = ($route.routes[$location.path()]).route_object; //This is how you get it

Then classic preventDefault method would do the work. Here's a plunker that I wrote for something similar.

like image 78
s.alem Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11


        .when('/', {
            title: 'Home',
            templateUrl: 'partials/home',
            controller: 'HomeController',
            access: {
                isFree: true
        .when('/about-us', {
            title: 'About us',
            templateUrl: 'partials/aboutus',
            controller: 'AboutUsController',
            access: {
                isFree: true
        .when('/how-it-works', {
            title: 'How It Works',
            templateUrl: 'partials/howitworks',
            controller: 'HowItWorksController',
            access: {
                isFree: true
        .when('/login', {
            templateUrl: 'users/login',
            controller: 'LoginController',
            access: {
                isFree: true
        .when('/logout', {
            controller: 'LogoutController',
            access: {
                isFree: false
        .when('/sign-up', {
            templateUrl: 'users/signup',
            controller: 'SignUpController',
            access: {
                isFree: true
            redirectTo: '/'

.run(['$rootScope', '$location','$log','$window','Auth' ,function($rootScope, $location, $log, $window, Auth) {

    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, currRoute, prevRoute){
        $rootScope.title = '';
        if(currRoute.$$route.title !== undefined){
            $rootScope.title = currRoute.$$route.title ;
      //  $rootScope.userLoggedIn = {name : 'Hi, '+ 'Amar'}    

        let checkIsLoggedInForRoute = ['/login','/sign-up'];
        let isFreeAccess = currRoute.$$route.access.isFree;
        let isLoggedIn = Auth.isLogin();

            if(checkIsLoggedInForRoute.indexOf($location.path()) !== -1 && isLoggedIn){
        }else if(!isFreeAccess){
            let isLogoutRoute = currRoute.$$route.originalPath.indexOf('/logout') !== -1;
            if(isLogoutRoute && isLoggedIn){
            }else if(isLogoutRoute && !isLoggedIn){ 
like image 45
amarkant.kumar Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 04:11
