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Angular dynamic nested ng-repeat generation

I am looking for a way to generate a nested menu based off some data, the problem I would like to work around is this:

I don't know how many sub levels of data I will have each time (it's dynamic) and I would like to generate the menu based on the data with ng-repeats. I would like a way to generate the menu without hard coding the repeat levels. So if there's 2 or 10 it would fill itself in.

So right now I'm hard coding the repeat levels like so :

<ul class="outerMenu" >
        <li ng-repeat="level in globalMenu" ng-click="showSubs =! showSubs" >{{level.name}} {{level.subs.length}}
            <ul ng-if="level.subs.length > 0" ng-show="showSubs">
                <li ng-repeat="sub in level.subs" ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()">{{sub.name}}



So I'm wondering if there is a way to generate the nested repeats (that would continue to go withinside of itself) based on the data. So 1 level down of the JSON looks like this.

 $scope.globalMenu = [
    'name' : 'level 1',
    'subs' : [
              'name' : 'level 1-1'
              'name' : 'level 1-2'
              'name' : 'level 1-3'
              'name' : 'level 1-4'
    'name' : 'level 2'
    'name' : 'level 3'
    'name' : 'level 4'
    'name' : 'level 5'

So I'm wondering if those subs had another sub level inside of them (presumably called subs again, if I could have angular generate a new nested repeat, instead of having hard coded levels that ng-show based on if the current item has any subs - as I would have to assume the max number of possible levels and build for that and I do not 100% know what that will be.

Thanks for reading!

like image 337
ajmajmajma Avatar asked Jan 10 '23 06:01


2 Answers

You can create a template and ng-include it for every new sub-level.

<script type="text/ng-template" id="menu_sublevel.html">
    {{ sub.name }}
    <ul ng-if="item.subs">
        <li ng-repeat="item in item.subs" ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()">

Then in your view just define the top level:

<ul class="outerMenu">
     <li ng-repeat="item in globalMenu" ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()" 
like image 52
Joe Samanek Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 20:01

Joe Samanek

You can use recursion.

You can find examples here and there.

Create a template and ng-repeat this template (with include or directive). And in the template, put a ng-repeat again, on the same template.

Hope it can help.

like image 29
Thierry Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 22:01
